Detergente Extran®, líquido concentrado para lavado a mano (MA) Supelco®

Proveedor: Merck
1.07553.2500 1.07553.9010 1.07553.9025 1.07555.2500 1.07555.9010 1.07555.9025 1.07555.9200 1.07555.5000 1.07555.1000 1.40000.2500 1.40000.9010 1.40000.9025 1.40000.5000 1.07553.5000
1.07553.2500EA 58.96 EUR
1.07553.2500 1.07553.9010 1.07553.9025 1.07555.2500 1.07555.9010 1.07555.9025 1.07555.9200 1.07555.5000 1.07555.1000 1.40000.2500 1.40000.9010 1.40000.9025 1.40000.5000 1.07553.5000
Detergente Extran®, líquido concentrado para lavado a mano (MA) Supelco®
Soluciones de limpieza Detergentes y Limpiadores de Superficie
A range of cleansers, for manual cleaning, that have been developed to meet the cleaning requirements for glassware and small equipment in the laboratory.

  • Prevents carry-over of residues to the next analysis
  • Chlorine-free

These manual cleansers are supplied as concentrates and the cleaning solutions are simply made up with tap water. Typically immersion for up to 2 hours is sufficient, but for particularly difficult residues, the time period can be extended. Alternatively, warming the solution or use with an ultrasonic bath can speed up the process.More Product Information
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