VWR®, TEMPase Hot Start 2× master mix

Proveedor: VWR Chemicals

733-1841EA 2010 EUR
733-1841 733-1840 733-2569 733-2582 733-2585
VWR®, TEMPase Hot Start 2× master mix
Reactivos de ácidos nucleicos End-point PCR Enzymes and Kits

TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase Master Mix and Blue TEMPase Master Mix are good alternatives to TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase. These master mixes offer easy reaction assembly at room temperature, reduced set-up time and fewer handling steps, which lead to increased reproducibility. As a consequence TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase Master Mix is highly suited to standard tests.

The blue loading dye in Blue TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase Master Mix facilitates direct gel loading, and eliminates the need for separate loading dye - no need for time-consuming sample preparation before electrophoresis.

Multiplex 2× Master Mix is composed of TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase and a specialised buffer system designed for multiplex PCR.

Información de suministro: TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase Master Mix and Blue TEMPase Master Mix are available in two variations, either based on Key Buffer (Master Mix K) or Combination Buffer (Master Mix C) to suit different PCR requirements. Additional MgCl₂ is included in the kit to enable optimisation.

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Descripción Blue TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase 2X Master Mix C
1.5 mM MgCl2 2500 reactions
TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase 2X Master Mix C
1.5 mM MgCl2 2500 reactions
Multiplex TEMPase 2X Master Mix
1.5 mM MgCl2 2500 reactions
TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase 2X Master Mix A
1.5 mM MgCl2 2500 reactions
Blue TEMPase Hot Start DNA Polymerase 2X Master Mix A
1.5 mM MgCl2 2500 reactions
Formato Mastermix incl. dNTPs Mastermix incl. dNTPs Mastermix incl. dNTPs Mastermix incl. dNTPs Mastermix incl. dNTPs
Environmentally Preferable
Características Direct loading Direct loading
Arranque en caliente Chemically modified Chemically modified Chemically modified Chemically modified Chemically modified
Concentración 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x
Unidades 2500 r Mix 2500 2500 r Mix 2500 2500 r Mix 2500 2500 r Mix 2500 2500 r Mix 2500
Tamaño 50 x 1.25 ml 50 x 1.25 ml 50 x 1.25 ml + 3 x 1.5 ml 50 x 1.25 ml 50 x 1.25 ml
Composición del búfer Based on Combination buffer Based on Combination buffer 25 mM MgCl2 Based on Ammonium buffer Based on Ammonium buffer
Alta fidelidad No No No No No
Tamaño de amplicón ≤ 5kb ≤ 5kb ≤ 5kb ≤ 5kb ≤ 5kb
Processivity Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Actividad exonucleasa 5’→3’ 5’→3’ 5’→3’ 5’→3’ 5’→3’
Product overhang 3'A 3'A 3'A 3'A 3'A
Condiciones de almacenamiento – 20 °C (long term), + 4 °C (6 months) – 20 °C (long term), + 4 °C (6 months) – 20 °C (long term), + 4 °C (6 months) – 20 °C (long term), + 4 °C (6 months) – 20 °C (long term), + 4 °C (6 months)
Aplicación Multiplex Multiplex Multiplex Multiplex Multiplex

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