Culture media, ready to use, in plates


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1461510020.EA 77.3 EUR
1461510020. 1465590020. 1461860020. 1460750120. 1460750020. 1460150020. 1460520120. 1460520020. 1460280120. 1460280020. 1460150120. 1461850020. 1466890020. 1464310100. 1464310020. 1462690020. 1462560100. 1461610020. 1461600020. 1461370020. 1466900120. 710-1578 HEIP1460000020 HEIP1460040120 HEIP1460230020 HEIP1460730020 HEIP1460220020 HEIP1465010020 HEIP1463210020 HEIP1460030020 HEIP1466830120 HEIP1460500120 HEIP1461450020 HEIP1460160120 HEIP1460220120 HEIP1460240020 HEIP1460730120 HEIP1460740020 HEIP1462360020 HEIP1462370020 HEIP1462850020 HEIP1463260020 HEIP1463530006 HEIP1463720006 HEIP1463920006 HEIP1464250006 HEIP1465770020 HEIP1465770120 710-2266 710-2267 HEIP1467290020 HEIP1468030200
Culture media, ready to use, in plates
Medios Medios preparados

The product range includes a full line of pre-poured 90 mm or 150 mm Petri dishes for a wide range of different applications, such as enumeration, isolation, detection and cultivation of bacteria as well as yeast and moulds. In order to choose the best packaging for each kind of use, both small packs of 20 plates and bulk packs of 100 plates are available for each kind of plate.

  • Ready to use media in 90 mm Petri dishes
  • Item number and the expiry date are imprinted on every plate for safe and easy product identification and shelf life monitoring

Envase: 2 or 10 sets of 10 shrink-wrapped plates

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