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Vortex mixers are commonly used in laboratories to mix small liquid volumes for cell disruption or homogenization. The analog or digital vortex mixers precisely control the operational speed and time to achieve reproducible results. Named after the vortex created when pressure is applied to a rubber cup (attached to motor via a drive shaft) by a test tube or vial containing a liquid, these mixers can be set to run continuously at varying speeds. Capable of testing single or multiple samples simultaneous, these laboratory equipment accommodate test tubes, vials, cylinders, or in some cases microplates for maximum convenience. Constructed of rugged, corrosion-resistant materials, the instruments will endure heavy everyday usage.

Vortex mixers are commonly used in laboratories to mix small liquid volumes for cell disruption or homogenization. The analog or digital vortex mixers precisely control the operational speed and time to achieve reproducible results. Named after the vortex created when pressure is applied to a rubber cup (attached to motor via a drive shaft) by a test tube or vial containing a liquid, these mixers can be set to run continuously at varying speeds. Capable of testing single or multiple samples simultaneous, these laboratory equipment accommodate test tubes, vials, cylinders, or in some cases microplates for maximum convenience. Constructed of rugged, corrosion-resistant materials, the instruments will endure heavy everyday usage.

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Proveedor: OHAUS
Descripción: These microplate vortex mixers are designed specifically for continuous duty throughout the speed range. Analogue variable speed models or microprocessor-controlled digital models offer exact speed control for applications that demand repeatable results. The high-speed and small orbit of these mixers make them optimal for effectively mixing microplates.

Numero del catalogo: (CORN6710)
Proveedor: Corning
Descripción: The Corning® LSE multipostion digital vortexer is a multipurpose shaker dedicated to a variety of aggressive shaking and mixing applications.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

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Numero del catalogo: (BARN88882012)
Proveedor: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Descripción: <p>The Basic Vortex Mixer provides comprehensive mixing capabilities for enzymatic and RIA assays, general test tube mixing, biochemical assays, viral dilution preparation, precipitated assays, cell suspension vortexing and tissue sample mixing.</p>
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Descripción: The MPS-1 is a compact universal shaker and single tube vortex mixer for vortexing tubes from 0,2 ml up to 50 ml or any skirted, semi-skirted and unskirted microplates and PCR plates, including deep well plates. This combined high speed shaker/vortex mixer includes a saw tooth pulse mode which provides more efficient mixing due to the constantly changing speed. The unit is ideal for applications in clinical/healthcare, pharmaceutical, education, research and industrial laboratories.

Numero del catalogo: (444-0939)
Descripción: Versatile multi-tube vortex mixer for vigorous re-suspension of cells or chemical pellets in a maximum of 32 tubes (16×1,5 ml, 8×0,5 ml and 8×0,2 ml), with the facility to mix individual tubes up to 15 ml. Typical applications include vigorous stirring and re-suspension of bacterial and yeast cells and pellets, metabolite and enzyme extraction and various DNA operations such as deproteinisation of DNA/protein complexes and purification of low molecular weight DNA/RNA fragments.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: Cole Parmer
Descripción: Compact unit perfect for individual work stations.

Numero del catalogo: (STUA51202-20)
Proveedor: Cole Parmer
Descripción: Rotator, vortex mixer, blotter all in one.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (OHAU30392141)
Proveedor: OHAUS
Descripción: This heavy-duty analogue vortex mixer is a variable speed analogue mixer that is designed for continuous duty. The heavy-duty design and efficient motor allow this mixer to operate in continuous duty mode and handle all accessories over the entire speed range.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Descripción: Shakers for determining the fat content in milk according to Mojonnier's method. White PVC housing. Choice of models to accept 4, 6 or 36 Mojonnier extraction tubes. Units provide forceful, uniform and reproducible mixing.

Descripción: The Cyclone mixers create a vortex in the tube, which gives a highly effective mixing action. The Cyclone+ is designed for tube, micro plate, flask and micro tube mixing at slow speeds using accessory platforms which can be quickly interchanged. It is ideal for pre-treating paraffin specimens for FISH assys, hybridization step, pre-warm the probe to room temperature, vortex and spin down.

Proveedor: Restek
Descripción: These stainless steel or PEEK in-line mixers are an efficient cross-flow shearing mechanism.

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