Esta buscando: Cámaras de pruebas medioambientales

The environmental test chambers produce atmospheres and environmental conditions parallel to what samples or equipment would ordinarily encounter. An advanced control panel allows tailoring of numerous factors for impact assessments that are completed more rapidly than traditional methods. With a constant air flow within, conditions remain uniform throughout the enclosure and alarms will alert if deviation from settings occurs. These climate condition chambers are equipped with precision systems to simulate temperatures ranging from 0°C and humidity operations down to 2% RH. Environmental test chambers have fast recovery times if door is opened to reduce potential damage.

The environmental test chambers produce atmospheres and environmental conditions parallel to what samples or equipment would ordinarily encounter. An advanced control panel allows tailoring of numerous factors for impact assessments that are completed more rapidly than traditional methods. With a constant air flow within, conditions remain uniform throughout the enclosure and alarms will alert if deviation from settings occurs. These climate condition chambers are equipped with precision systems to simulate temperatures ranging from 0°C and humidity operations down to 2% RH. Environmental test chambers have fast recovery times if door is opened to reduce potential damage.

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Proveedor: Binder
Descripción: The MFK series of dynamic climate chambers has been specially developed as precision heating and cooling chambers for complex standards-based climatic testing. The units are ideal for rapid temperature changes with humidity control with a low temperature range down to –70 °C and have a higher capacity which exceeds the capability of normal testing chambers. The stainless steel inner chamber has door heating, a heated viewing window with LED interior lighting and programmable condensation protection for the test materials.

Proveedor: Binder
Descripción: The MKF series of dynamic climate chambers has been specially developed as precision heating and cooling chambers for industrial material testing and environment simulation applications. The units are ideal for rapid temperature changes with humidity control and have a higher capacity which exceeds the capability of normal testing chambers. The stainless steel inner chamber has door heating, a heated viewing window with LED interior lighting and programmable condensation protection for the test materials.

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Numero del catalogo: (STMC27310)
Proveedor: STEMCELL Technologies
Descripción: The Hypoxia incubator chamber is for generation of a hypoxic environment for tissue culture. This is a self-contained and sealed chamber that fits inside existing laboratory incubators.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

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