Esta buscando: Materiales educativos forenses

Choose from a complete catalogue of educational kits for teaching crucial aspects of the forensics process, including fibre identification, crime scene photo documentation, identification of skeletal remains, and analysing slides of blood samples. These kits are ideal for creating and conducting your own forensics investigations in a controlled, measured way for determining correct outcomes. Students must use their observational skills and reasoning capabilities in conjunction with any necessary equipment in order to arrive at the correct conclusion.

Choose from a complete catalogue of educational kits for teaching crucial aspects of the forensics process, including fibre identification, crime scene photo documentation, identification of skeletal remains, and analysing slides of blood samples. These kits are ideal for creating and conducting your own forensics investigations in a controlled, measured way for determining correct outcomes. Students must use their observational skills and reasoning capabilities in conjunction with any necessary equipment in order to arrive at the correct conclusion.

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Proveedor: EDVOTEK
Descripción: Ready-to-Load™ kit for teaching DNA fingerprinting and to show how DNA evidence is used in modern forensics. This experiment allows for varied results depending on the selection of DNA fingerprinting patterns.

Proveedor: EDVOTEK
Descripción: Basic concepts of DNA fingerprinting are featured in this Ready-to-Load™ kit by comparing crime scene DNA with suspect DNAs. Fingerprint patterns are separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and the students determine who may have commited the crime.

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Numero del catalogo: (EDVO140)
Proveedor: EDVOTEK
Descripción: ABO and Rh typing of blood left at the scene of a crime can help to narrow down a list of suspects. In this experiment, students use agglutination to identify the blood group of unknown blood samples as a step to identify a criminal.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN


Numero del catalogo: (BE-104)
Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: This DNA fingerprinting kit allows students to carry out their own criminal investigation by comparing DNA samples collected from suspects to DNA collected at a pseudo-crime scene.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Numero del catalogo: (763-0008)
Proveedor: EDVOTEK
Descripción: DNA obtained from a single hair left behind at a crime scene can be used to identify a criminal. In this experiment, students will compare simulated crime scene DNA with that of two suspects.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT


Numero del catalogo: (EDVOS-91)
Proveedor: EDVOTEK
Descripción: Evidence left behind at a crime scene can identify a potential culprit. Even in this age of DNA, fingerprints and blood stains are still important in helping to identify a criminal. In this experiment, students solve a crime by dusting for fingerprints and use fluorescent dust to search for and identify trace amounts of blood.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN


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