Esta buscando: Papeles de filtros

Made of pure cellulose treated with hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid, filter papers are used for straining with good retention and flow rates. These cellulose filters create a semi-permeable barrier perpendicular to a liquid or airflow in order to separate fine substances from liquids or air. Different grades of filter paper are available for performing various laboratory applications including routine lab work, ranging from coarse to fine filtration of particulates. VWR offers a wide range of qualitative and quantitative filter papers with varying pore size, particle retention, flow rate and filtration times.

Made of pure cellulose treated with hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid, filter papers are used for straining with good retention and flow rates. These cellulose filters create a semi-permeable barrier perpendicular to a liquid or airflow in order to separate fine substances from liquids or air. Different grades of filter paper are available for performing various laboratory applications including routine lab work, ranging from coarse to fine filtration of particulates. VWR offers a wide range of qualitative and quantitative filter papers with varying pore size, particle retention, flow rate and filtration times.

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Proveedor: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Descripción: Cytiva's Whatman Grade 542 filters are acid hardened to allow high retention of fine precipitates in applications such as metal determinations and hydroxide collection.

Proveedor: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Descripción: These filter papers made from high quality cotton linters have the finest retention of all ashless filter paper grades. Grade 42 is designed for gravimetric analysis and sample preparation for instrumental analysis.

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Proveedor: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Descripción: A standard grade filter for boiler water analysis.

Proveedor: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Descripción: Cytiva's Whatman Grade 44 quantitative paper is a thin version of Grade 42 ashless paper. The thinness reduces the overall ash content, making Grade 44 well suited for analyses relying on ash-free dry weight.

Proveedor: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Descripción: A prepleated filter used for many routine analytical applications in different industries (e.g., particle separation from food extracts or filtration of solids from digested environmental samples, e.g., for ICP/AAS analysis).
Proveedor: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Descripción: A standard grade filter used for many routine analytical applications in different industries (e.g., particle separation from food extracts or filtration of solids from digested environmental samples for iCP/AAs analysis).

Proveedor: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Descripción: Owing to their extremely high purity our seed testing papers provide reliable and reproducible results. The papers are made from pure cellulose without any additives and do not contain any substances that could influence the growth of the seeds. The constant water absorption of the papers ensures the continuous provision of the required amount of water.

Proveedor: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Descripción: Easily fits into conical funnels.

Numero del catalogo: (WHAT10539028)
Proveedor: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Descripción: Cellulose Chromatography and Blotting Paper Roll contains cotton linter filter sheets for electrophoresis and amino acid chromatography.
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Proveedor: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Descripción: Whatman Grade 54 hardened low ash quantitative filter paper for Büchner funnel and Hirsch funnel filtration enables fast vacuum suction filtration for recrystallization applications.

Proveedor: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Descripción: Cytiva's Whatman Grade 43 filters support inorganic analysis and other forms of instrumental analyses. The low ash content also makes Grade 43 appropriate for gravimetric analyses requiring sample combustion.

Proveedor: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Descripción: A general qualitative filter with creped surface. Widely used in industrial or student laboratories for routine filtration.

Proveedor: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Descripción: Cytiva's Whatman Grade 52 is a general-purpose filter paper for quantitative analysis in Büchner funnel and other vacuum filtrations. The acid-hardened surface and low ash content enable efficient precipitate recovery.

Proveedor: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Descripción: Cytiva's Whatman Grade 41 environmental pollution papers are among the fastest filter papers in the Whatman ashless range. This gravimetric filter is well suited for quantitative analysis of soil and air.

Proveedor: Sartorius
Descripción: These smooth filter papers are made of refined pulp and linters with more than 95% alpha-cellulose content. The ash content of these filter papers is between 0,1 and 0,15%.

Proveedor: Whatman products (Cytiva)
Descripción: Whatman Grade 4V filter paper is well suited for qualitative analysis or general filtration of coarse particles. The fluted filter design increases filtration speed, flow rate, and loading capacity.

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