Esta buscando: Automated Cell Culture Systems
941 results were found
VWR, Part of Avantor - Suministro de productos químicos y para laboratorio
VWR Part of Avantor Carousel La inactivación viral efectiva está a mano Solución de inactivación viral de J.T.Baker® : una solución de inactivación viral biodegradable conforme a las buenas prácticas de fabricación actuales. Lista para usar confor...
VWR, Part of Avantor - Suministro de productos químicos y para laboratorio
VWR Part of Avantor Carousel La inactivación viral efectiva está a mano Solución de inactivación viral de J.T.Baker® : una solución de inactivación viral biodegradable conforme a las buenas prácticas de fabricación actuales. Lista para usar confor...
Cell Culture
Cell Culture Cell Culture for Analysis is the process of growing cells under controlled conditions in an artificial environment providing excellent models for studying the normal physiology and biochemistry of the cells. Break the 3D Barrier with ...
Greiner Bio-One CELLSTAR® Tissue Culture
Greiner Bio-One CELLSTAR® Tissue Culture Greiner Bio-One CELLSTAR® products offer a wide spectrum of cell culture flasks dishes and plates. Their functional design particular material properties and special coatings enable these vessels to be used...
Cell Culture Instruments
Cell Culture Instruments Our cell culture portfolio provides all the essential instruments tailored to the needs of your cell biology processes enabling you to perform to rigorous levels of precision accuracy and reproducibility... CO2 incubators ...
Greiner Bio-One CELL
Greiner Bio-One CELLSTAR® Tissue Culture Greiner Bio-One CELLSTAR® products offer a wide spectrum of cell culture flasks dishes and plates. Their functional design particular material properties and special coatings enable these vessels to be used...
Cell Imaging Systems & Microscopy
Cell Imaging Systems & Microscopy Featured Solutions Modern research requires high throughput high quality imaging. At its most basic this might require cell counting viability assays or marker expression analysis performed alongside standard fluo...
Cell Culture Instrum
Cell Culture Instruments Our cell culture portfolio provides all the essential instruments tailored to the needs of your cell biology processes enabling you to perform to rigorous levels of precision accuracy and reproducibility... CO2 incubators ...
COL04676_Nunc Cell Factory Systems Family Brochure 09-21-17.indd
COL04676_Nunc Cell Factory Systems Family Brochure 09-21-17.indd Nunc Cell Factory systems For consistent cell culture performance 2 The Thermo Scientific Nunc Cell Factory system difference Assured performance from lot to lot and format to format...
Spheroid microplates with ULA surface for spheroid and organoid cultures
Spheroid microplates with ULA surface for spheroid and organoid cultures In vitro 3D cell culture models are widely recognized as more physiologically relevant systems compared to 2D formats. The 3D models reflect more accurately the complex in vi...
ADVANCED TC™ Cell Culture Vessels Advanced TC™ Cell Culture Vessels For the propagation of fastidious cells like primary or sensitive cells as well as cells cultivated under restricted growth conditions (serum-free or serum-reduced) Greiner Bio-On...
ADVANCED TC™ Cell Culture Vessels
ADVANCED TC™ Cell Culture Vessels Advanced TC™ Cell Culture Vessels For the propagation of fastidious cells like primary or sensitive cells as well as cells cultivated under restricted growth conditions (serum-free or serum-reduced) Greiner Bio-On...
Corning® Spheroid Microplates User Guide In vitro 3D cell culture models are widely recognized as more physiologically relevant systems com- pared to 2D formats. The 3D models reflect more accurately the complex in vivo microenvironment and have b...
COL06663_Cell_Factory_BOD_PDF_Flyer.indd Cell Factory systems The Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ Cell Factory™ system is a robust and easy-to-use cell culture platform for applications in the production of human and animal vaccines therapeutic proteins ...
Featured Life Science Solutions & Suppliers
Featured Life Science Solutions & Suppliers Cell Biology From Cell to Therapy Solutions for your entire workflow – from basic research to biopharma production. Tools and services to accelerate your research & development. Meet Revolve the new hybr...
Automated Cell Imaging System
Automated Cell Imaging System Applications Cell counting and cell viability Assessing mitochondrial and cytotoxicity Measuring neurite outgrowth Cell differentiation Protein expression index Autophagy detection DNA damage assays Product Details Im...
1 - 16 of 941