Orange G/blue loading dyes (6X)

Proveedor: Thermo Fisher Scientific

J61877.AB J61877.AC
J61877.ABEA 89.1 EUR
J61877.AB J61877.AC
Orange G/blue loading dyes (6X)
Tintes Colorantes para electroforesis

Orange G/blue loading dye (6X) is used for loading DNA samples into gel electrophoresis wells and tracking migration during electrophoresis.

Used in molecular biology protocols, in nucleic acid gel electrophoresis and blotting to prepare DNA markers and samples for loading on agarose or polyacrylamide gels.

Información para pedidos: Contains 0,25% Orange G, 0,25% bromophenol blue, 0,25% xylene cyanol FF, 15% Ficoll®, 30 mM EDTA in autoclaved DI water.

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