Blotting membranes, nitrocellulose

Proveedor: Thermo Fisher Scientific
77010 77012 88014 88013 88018 88024 88025
PIER77010EA 399 EUR
PIER77010 PIER77012 PIER88014 PIER88013 PIER88018 PIER88024 PIER88025
Blotting membranes, nitrocellulose
Membranas de transferencia
Nitrocellulose membranes are a popular matrix used in protein blotting because of their high protein-binding affinity, compatibility with a variety of detection methods (chemiluminescence, chromogenic, and fluorescence), and the ability to immobilise proteins, glycoproteins, or nucleic acids. Protein immobilisation is thought to occur by hydrophobic interactions, and high salt and low methanol concentrations help improve protein immobilisation to the membrane during electrophoretic transfer, especially for proteins with higher molecular weights. Nitrocellulose membranes are not optimal for electrophoretic transfer of nucleic acids, as the high salt concentrations that are required for efficient binding will effectively elute some or all of the charged nucleic acid fragments.

  • Pure, 100% nitrocellulose membranes with high surface area and excellent uniformity
  • Pore size 0,45 µm suitable for protein applications or 0,2 µm for peptides
  • Available as rolls or convenient 8×12 cm pre-cut sheets
  • High-binding affinity, provides excellent protein binding, blocks easily, and produces very low background in chemiluminescent Western blotting
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