Cell culture chambers, Nunc™ EasyFill™ cell factories

Proveedor: Thermo Fisher Scientific
140000 140250 140360 140400 140410
734-2242EA 287 EUR
734-2242 734-1443 734-1445 734-1444 734-2710
Cell culture chambers, Nunc™ EasyFill™ cell factories
PS, sterile. The EasyFill™ Cell Factory has one large and one small opening in each unit, which makes it versatile and easy to use. EasyFill™ Cell Factory bridges the gap between small scale research and large scale GMP production. It can be used as it is, without any accessories, or used with plug and play connections for rapid attachment of tubing and filters, significantly reducing contamination risk. EasyFill™ systems are available with 1, 2, 4 or 10 growth chamber levels, providing surface areas ranging from 630 to 6300 cm².

  • Versátil: su gran apertura facilita el volcado directo
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