Back pressure regulators

Proveedor: Restek
25017 25018 25020
REST25017EA 311 EUR
REST25017 REST25018 REST25020
Back pressure regulators
Válvulas Válvulas de retención
Backpressure regulators can improve detector performance by preventing bubble formation in the detector flow cell. They also are useful in post-column reaction lines and between detectors and fraction collectors in preparatory work. Regulators are superior to more specific alternative solutions like small bore tubing, in which pressure varies with flow rate.

Both types are adjustable to ensure constant backpressure over a wide range of mobile phase viscosities and flow rates. The end-of-line model is available with ¹/₄ to 28 plastic flange-type fittings or high-pressure 1,6 mm compression fittings and this design adjusts from 15 to 60 psi. The flow-through design has 1,6 mm compression fittings and is adjustable from 7 to 75 psi.
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