EasySep™ Human HLA-DR Positive Selection and Depletion Kits

Proveedor: STEMCELL Technologies
100-0980 100-0982
STMC100-0980EA 802 EUR
STMC100-0980 STMC100-0982
EasySep™ Human HLA-DR Positive Selection and Depletion Kits
Medios para separación celular
Isolate or deplete highly purified HLA-DR+ cells from human PBMCs or leukapheresis samples by immunomagnetic selection.

  • Fast and easy-to-use
  • Up to 98% purity
  • No columns required

Efficiently isolate or deplete HLA-DR+ cells from fresh or previously frozen human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) or leukapheresis samples in as little as 25 minutes; and immediately use the desired cells in downstream applications such as flow cytometry, culture, or DNA/RNA extraction.

Use the EasySep™ Human HLA-DR Positive Selection and Depletion Kit to label HLA-DR+ cells with antibodies and magnetic particles. The cells are then subsequently separated using an EasySep™ magnet—without the use of columns. Labeled cells remain in the tube while unlabeled cells are poured off. Depending on your research needs, either fraction may be used downstream.

This kit targets HLA-DR, a human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II receptor expressed on the cell surface of antigen-presenting cells (APCs), including dendritic cells, B cells, monocytes, macrophages, and activated T cells.

Precaución: Product Restrictions: (i) Customer shall not make products or any portion of them, in any way, shape or form, including as a component of another product available for the purpose of further resale or alter or remove the Product label and the Supplier’s mark of origin without express written permission of Supplier; and (ii) Customer is familiar with Supplier’s restrictions on the use of the Products and shall use the Products in compliance with such restrictions and the applicable Supplier Product Information sheet (collectively, the ‘Product Restrictions’).
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