Anion exchange HPLC columns, RCX-10

79462 79378 79463 79379 79440 79388 79292
554-1276EA 389 EUR
554-1276 554-1253 554-1277 554-1254 554-0242 554-0219 HAMI79292
Anion exchange HPLC columns, RCX-10
Columnas de cromatografía
RCX-10 carbohydrate analysis columns are designed for the isocratic or gradient separation of carbohydrates. When an isocratic method is used with a conductivity, refractive index, ultraviolet, or pulsed amperometric detector (PAD), mono- and di-saccharides such as glucose, fructose, sucrose and lactose can be quickly determined.

  • Greater exchange capacity than that of the PRP-X100
  • Samples with two or three carbohydrates can be quickly separated isocratically
  • More complex samples require gradient elution
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