Cell culture dishes, Advanced TC™

Proveedor: Greiner Bio-One
628960_600 633971 639960_120 664960_360
392-0220EA 688 EUR
392-0220 392-0221 392-0222 392-0245
Cell culture dishes, Advanced TC™
Placas de cultivo Placas para cultivo celular
PS, polymer-coated. For the propagation of fastidious cells like primary or sensitive cells as well as cells cultivated under restricted growth conditions (serum-free or serum-reduced).

  • Enhanced cell attachment and higher proliferation rates improve and accelerate cell expansion
  • Surface treatment facilitates consistant and homogenous cell attachment increasing the overall cell yield and reducing cell loss, for example during automated washing steps
  • The chemical modification of the polymer coating assures consistant and reproducible product quality
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