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Proveedor: 3M
Descripción: The 3M™ Aura™ Health Care Particulate Respirators provide effective respiratory protection for use in medical environments where health care workers will be exposed to airborne dust particles, non-volatile liquid particles and bioaerosols. These respirators limit the transmission of infective agents from staff to patients and are suitable for use during surgical procedures and certain other medical procedures. These products also offer resistance to penetration of splashes of liquid.

Proveedor: 3M
Descripción: The 3M™ Aura™ Health Care Particulate Respirators provide effective respiratory protection for use in medical environments where health care workers will be exposed to airborne dust particles, non-volatile liquid particles and bioaerosols. These respirators limit the transmission of infective agents from staff to patients and are suitable for use during surgical procedures and certain other medical procedures. These products also offer resistance to penetration of splashes of liquid.

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Numero del catalogo: (MMMEM118)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: 3M™ Attest™ incubators provide optimal conditions for accurate readout using biological indicators.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (MMME1295)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: 3M™ Attest™ Rapid Readout Biological Indicators 1295 for vaporised hydrogen peroxide (VH2O2) sterilisation provide faster results.
UOM: 1 * 120 UN

Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: 3M™ Emphaze AEX Hybrid Purifier is our single-use sterilisable and sanitisable. The all-synthetic purification media that contains a Q-functional anion exchange media and a fine particle and bioburden reduction membrane.

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Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: Single-stage chromatographic purification for recombinant protein therapeutic manufacturing.

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Numero del catalogo: (MMME1496V)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: Twenty four minute Biological Indicator Challenge Pack for 132°C (270°F) 4 minute and 135°C (275°F) 3 minute Dynamic Air Removal Steam Sterilization. Each pack contains one 3M™ Attest™ Super Rapid Readout Biological Indicator 1492V.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (MMME7100051974)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: The Zeta Plus™ EXT series media extends depth filtration capacity and protection of downstream membranes thereby extending filter life and lowering overall filtration costs.
UOM: 1 * 4 UN

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Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: The Electronic Test System (ETS) is a stand alone test device for measurements of the physical parameters of a steam sterilisation cycle providing an accurate temperature, pressure and time measurement.

Numero del catalogo: (MMME1492V)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: 3M™ Attest™ Super rapid readout biological indicators and challenge packs for steam, super rapid 1-hour results.
UOM: 1 * 50 UN

Numero del catalogo: (MMMEM1538-1)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: Durable, no-stretch silk-like cloth tape for critical tubing applications. Silk-like cloth, hypoallergenic tape, standard roll.
UOM: 1 * 12 Rolo

Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: 3M™ Attest™ Biological Monitoring Systems are true biological indicators, in self-contained indicator capsules. They enable checks on the biological reliability and performance of each steriliser without laboratory facilities and laboratory trained personnel.

Numero del catalogo: (MMMEM1862)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: The 1800 Series offers the wearer comfortable and reliable protection. The foldable 3-panel design fits a wide range of face shapes and is compatible with eyewear.
UOM: 1 * 20 UN

Proveedor: 3M
Descripción: 3M™ Protective Coverall 4565 has desirable comfort features and provides a strong barrier to certain chemicals, liquid sprays, and particles. These coveralls are non-microporous to offer chemical protection with permeation tested resistance, and they are certified to EN 14126 infective agents.

Proveedor: 3M
Descripción: These disposable overalls are made of a high quality laminated material and provide a barrier protection against light liquid splashes and hazardous dusts.


Numero del catalogo: (MMMEM2268-3)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: These monitoring electrodes feature a soft cloth backing and gentle adhesives which makes them ideal for use on fragile skin and on the tender skin of younger pediatric patients.
UOM: 1 * 600 UN

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