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Numero del catalogo: (1.04143.0001)
Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Campylobacteriosis is an infection caused by Campylobacter, most commonly C. jejuni. It produces an inflammatory, sometimes bloody, diarrhea or dysentery, including cramps, fever and abdominal pain. The debilitating neurological disorder, Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), as well as reactive arthritis have also been associated with recent infections with certain <i>C. jejuni strains. C. lari </i>and the emerging pathogen,<i> C. upsaliensis</i>, have also been reported in a small percentage of cases of human Campylobacter infection.<i> Campylobacter</i> <i>spp.</i> are highly infectious - as few as 500 bacteria can cause illness. There is an increasing demand for Campylobacter testing in food to meet regulations regarding Campylobacter levels in poultry. The majority of Campylobacter spp. are relatively metabolically inactive, making identification based on biochemical characteristics difficult. Currently, the most commonly used techniques to test food products for Campylobacter are traditional methods based on culture media. Innovative, rapid tests make screening for pathogenic organisms easier. The one-step format reduces the possibility of errors during handling.
UOM: 1 * 25 Tests


Numero del catalogo: (1.04140.0001)
Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Most individuals infected with <i>Salmonella </i>develop diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps 12 to 72 H after infection. The illness usually lasts 4 to 7 days, and the majority of patients recover without treatment. However, in some cases, the diarrhea may be so severe that hospitalisation is required. <i>Salmonella</i> is a genus of rod-shaped, Gram-negative, non spore-forming, predominantly motile bacteria, belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family.<i> Salmonella spp.</i> are one of the most common causes of food poisoning worldwide and have been isolated from most types of raw food (e.g. meats, eggs and plant products). Their high resistance to drying combined with a very high heat resistance once dried makes Salmonella a potential problem in most foods, particularly in dry and semi-dry products. Food legislation in many countries includes limits on Salmonella – typically absence in 25 g of food. Traditional microbiological methods for detection of <i>Salmonella</i> in food and animal feed require a total of up to five days to obtain a simple yes/no result. Innovative, rapid tests make screening for pathogenic organisms easier. The one-step format reduces the possibility of errors during handling.
UOM: 1 * 25 Tests


¡NOVEDAD! Sistemas de agua ultrapura EUV/ES/PUV/PS de VWR®

Los sistemas de agua ultrapura de VWR® suministran de forma constante agua de la máxima calidad. ¡Diseñados para los requisitos del agua ultrapura del tipo 1 de 10 litros por día!


¡Funcionamiento rentable!

Numero del catalogo: (1.04148.0001)
Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Listeria monocytogenes is one of the most widely distributed foodborne pathogens in the world and is responsible for severe infections in immunocompromised persons, pregnant women and neonates. As a result, the mortality rate in infected individuals is high despite the relatively low number of cases around the world. Listeria infections (listeriosis) can result in anything from mild gastroenteritis to severe cases of sepsis, meningitis, encephalitis or abortion. Due to the ubiquitous distribution of<i> Listeria</i> and their capability to grow at refrigeration temperatures ( 2 to 8 °C), food products constitute one of the main sources of infection.<i> Listeria</i> is a genus of Gram-positive, non-sporeforming, rod-shaped bacteria. Of the six known species of the genus Listeria,<i> Listeria monocytogenes</i> deserves particular mention as a human and animal pathogen;<i> L. ivanovii </i>is only pathogenic in animals, while<i> L. innocua</i>,<i> L. seeligeri</i>,<i> L. grayi</i>, and<i> L. welshimer</i>i are considered harmless environmental bacteria. Consequently, food legislation in many countries specifies strict limits for<i> Listeria spp.</i> or<i> Listeria monocytogenes</i>. In the conduct of risk-related quality controls in food, tests should be run for<i> L. monocytogenes</i>, and for the Listeria Genus in general. The presence of Listeria – in particular of<i> L. innocua</i> – is an indicator for critical hygienic conditions in the production process. Innovative, rapid tests make screening for pathogenic organisms easier. The one-step format reduces the possibility of errors during handling.
UOM: 1 * 25 Tests


Numero del catalogo: (1.04141.0001)
Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: EHEC is capable of inducing life threatening illnesses, particularly in people with immune deficiency, young children and the elderly. Although the most common cause of EHEC is <i>E. coli</i> O157, other serotypes, such as O26, O45, O103, O111, O121 and O145, are also relatively frequent causes of infection. Typical symptoms are severe abdominal pain and diarrhoea, which is initially watery but often becomes bloody. <i>E. coli</i> are gram-negative, non sporulating, facultative anaerobic bacilli. Amongst the pathogenic <i>E. coli</i>, Verotoxin-forming strains (STEC or VTEC) have gained importance in recent years. The group of enterohaemorrhagic <i>E. coli</i> (EHEC) with its highly pathogenic serovar O157:H7 strain is particularly interesting in this respect. The main sources of infection are contaminated, raw or insufficiently heated foods of animal origin, such as meat and dairy products. The reservoir for EHEC is the gut of ruminants. Microorganisms can enter food during the processing of meat and dairy products if hygienic conditions are inadequate. The drastic increase in the incidence of food contamination caused by <i>E. coli</i> O157 demands reliable and rapid methods of detection. Innovative, rapid tests make screening for pathogenic organisms easier. Complete test sets for the detection of pathogens and toxins. The one-step format reduces the possibility of errors during handling. In addition to tests for the most common cause of infection, <i>E. coli</i> O157, there exits a 24-H screening protocol for VTEC, including <i>E. coli</i> O104:H4, based on Rapidcult™ <i>E. coli</i> enrichment combined with detection using Duopath® Verotoxins.
UOM: 1 * 25 Tests


Proveedor: HYSERVE GMBH & CO. KG
Descripción: To detect allergen in highly processed foods by special extraction solution and unique antibody. This lateral-flow test is a high-performance qualitative assay.

Descripción: IMAGEN™ is a qualitative direct immunofluorescence test used for detection and confirmation of the presence of virus in cell culture or in clinical specimen.

Numero del catalogo: (ENZOBMLG1400050)
Descripción: <i>Clostridium difficile</i> toxin A from <i>Clostridium difficile</i>, strain VPI10463 is a high potency toxin applicable to ELISA, antibody capture, cytotoxicity studies and LINE assay.
UOM: 1 * 50 µG

New Product

Numero del catalogo: (ENZOBMLG1550050)
Descripción: <i>Clostridium difficile</i> toxoid A from<i> Clostridium difficile</i>, strain VPI10463 is a high potency toxin applicable to ELISA, antibody capture, cytotoxicity studies, immunogen and LINE assay.
UOM: 1 * 50 µG

New Product

Numero del catalogo: (ENZOBMLG1500050)
Descripción: <i>Clostridium difficile </i>toxin B from<i> Clostridium difficile</i>, strain VPI10463 is a high purity toxin applicable to ELISA, antibody capture, cytotoxicity studies and LINE assay.
UOM: 1 * 50 µG

New Product

Numero del catalogo: (ENZOBMLG1450050)
Descripción: <i>Clostridium difficile</i> toxoid A from<i> Clostridium difficile</i>, strain VPI10463 is a high potency toxin applicable to ELISA, antibody capture, cytotoxicity studies, immunogen and LINE assay.
UOM: 1 * 50 µG

New Product

Numero del catalogo: (ENZOBMLG1010050)
Descripción: <i>Bordetella pertussis</i> toxin (Islet-activating protein, PTX) from <i>Bordetella pertussis</i>, strain NCTC 10739. is a high purity toxin applicable to ELISA, antibody capture, cytotoxicity studies, LINE assay.
UOM: 1 * 50 µG

New Product

Proveedor: LENZ, E. (Lenz Laborglas GmbH & CO.KG)
Descripción: DURAN®, borosilicate glass, with parallel side neck.

Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Vidrio de borosilicato de grado 3.3, transparente, con cuello lateral en ángulo.


Numero del catalogo: (BSENM-026-50-AT)
Proveedor: Biosensis
Descripción: Monoclonal antibody MC192 against the rat low affinity nerve growth factor receptor (p75NTR) is derived from the fusion of Sp2/0-Ag 14 myeloma cells with mouse immune splenocytes. MC192 monoclonal antibody was originally generated by Chandlers et al. p75NTR was originally discovered as a low affinity nerve growth factor receptor. Later it was found that it was the receptor for all neurotrophins. It mediates signals of neurotrophins for neuronal survival, apoptosis, neurite outgrowth and synaptic plasticity. Recently, it has been revealed that p75NTR not only acts as the receptor for neurotrophins but also the receptor for many other pathological ligands such as prions, rabies virus and amyloid beta. p75NTR also acts as a co-receptor for NOGO which mediates inhibitory signals of myelin associated protein. p75NTR is highly expressed in a number of non-neuronal and neuronal cells including motor neurons during development and also in damaged neurons. MC192 has a potential use as the ligand for gene delivery into p75NTR-expressing rat cells via a receptor-mediated mechanism.
This antibody reacts with rat only. Does not react with mouse or human NGFR
UOM: 1 * 50 µG

Proveedor: LENZ, E. (Lenz Laborglas GmbH & CO.KG)
Descripción: Vidrio borosilicato DURAN®, transparente y con cuello lateral en ángulo.

Numero del catalogo: (BSENM-016-100-FT)
Proveedor: Biosensis
Descripción: Monoclonal antibody MC192 against the rat low affinity nerve growth factor receptor (p75NTR) is derived from the fusion of Sp2/0-Ag 14 myeloma cells with mouse immune splenocytes. MC192 monoclonal antibody was originally generated by Chandlers et al. p75NTR was originally discovered as a low affinity nerve growth factor receptor. Later it was found that it was the receptor for all neurotrophins. It mediates signals of neurotrophins for neuronal survival, apoptosis, neurite outgrowth and synaptic plasticity. Recently, it has been revealed that p75NTR not only acts as the receptor for neurotrophins but also the receptor for many other pathological ligands such as prions, rabies virus and amyloid beta. p75NTR also acts as a co-receptor for NOGO which mediates inhibitory signals of myelin associated protein. p75NTR is highly expressed in a number of non-neuronal and neuronal cells including motor neurons during development and also in damaged neurons. MC192 has a potential use as the ligand for gene delivery into p75NTR-expressing rat cells via a receptor-mediated mechanism. FUNCTION: Low affinity receptor which can bind to NGF, BDNF, NT-3, and NT-4. Can mediate cell survival as well as cell death of neural cells. SUBUNIT: Homodimer; disulfide-linked. Interacts with p75NTR-associated cell death executor. Interacts with NGFRAP1/BEX3. Interacts with TRAF2, TRAF4, TRAF6, PTPN13 and RANBP9.
UOM: 1 * 100 µG

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