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Proveedor: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Descripción: A common method for transformation of plasmids into E.coli is the use of chemically competent cells. Although competent cells can be prepared in the laboratory, greater efficiency, reproducibility, and convenience are achieved using Novagen® prepared competent cells. Every Novagen® competent cell strain is verified for phenotype and purity, and is guaranteed for transformation efficiency.

Proveedor: AGILENT
Descripción: XL1 and XL2-Blue Competent Cells are versatile for routine cloning and allow blue-white colour screening for high efficiency cloning of methylated DNA.

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Numero del catalogo: (AGLS200172)
Proveedor: AGILENT
Descripción: ABLE Competent Cells for toxic clones reduce copy number four to ten fold compared to the XL1-Blue strain.
UOM: 1 * 1 mL

Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: The Z-Competent™ <i>E. coli </i>transformation kit is designed to generate competent <i>E. coli</i> cells for simple and highly efficient <i>E. coli</i> transformation.

Proveedor: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Descripción: A common method for transformation of plasmids into E.coli is the use of chemically competent cells. Although competent cells can be prepared in the laboratory, greater efficiency, reproducibility, and convenience are achieved using Novagen® prepared competent cells. Every Novagen® competent cell strain is verified for phenotype and purity, and is guaranteed for transformation efficiency.

Proveedor: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Descripción: A common method for transformation of plasmids into E.coli is the use of chemically competent cells. Although competent cells can be prepared in the laboratory, greater efficiency, reproducibility, and convenience are achieved using Novagen® prepared competent cells. Every Novagen® competent cell strain is verified for phenotype and purity, and is guaranteed for transformation efficiency.

Proveedor: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Descripción: A common method for transformation of plasmids into E.coli is the use of chemically competent cells. Although competent cells can be prepared in the laboratory, greater efficiency, reproducibility, and convenience are achieved using Novagen® prepared competent cells. Every Novagen® competent cell strain is verified for phenotype and purity, and is guaranteed for transformation efficiency.

Proveedor: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Descripción: A common method for transformation of plasmids into E.coli is the use of chemically competent cells. Although competent cells can be prepared in the laboratory, greater efficiency, reproducibility, and convenience are achieved using Novagen® prepared competent cells. Every Novagen® competent cell strain is verified for phenotype and purity, and is guaranteed for transformation efficiency.

Proveedor: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Descripción: A common method for transformation of plasmids into E.coli is the use of chemically competent cells. Although competent cells can be prepared in the laboratory, greater efficiency, reproducibility, and convenience are achieved using Novagen® prepared competent cells. Every Novagen® competent cell strain is verified for phenotype and purity, and is guaranteed for transformation efficiency.

Proveedor: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Descripción: NovaBlue competent cells are designed for convenient and reliable plasmid transformation. NovaBlue is a K-12 strain ideally suited as an initial cloning host due to its high transformation efficiency, blue/white screening capability (with appropriate plasmids), and <i>recA</i> and <i>endA</i> mutations, which result in high yields of excellent-quality plasmid DNA. Standard NovaBlue and convenient NovaBlue Singles™ are ideal for routine cloning, while NovaBlue GigaSingles™ are most suitable for applications requiring higher transformation efficiencies.

Proveedor: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Descripción: A common method for transformation of plasmids into <i>E.coli</i> is the use of chemically competent cells. Although competent cells can be prepared in the laboratory, greater efficiency, reproducibility, and convenience are achieved using Novagen® prepared competent cells. Every Novagen® competent cell strain is verified for phenotype and purity, and is guaranteed for transformation efficiency.

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