Esta buscando: Casetes

Autoradiography cassettes are designed to increase image resolution and clarity of the background, ensuring intimate contact between the film and the sample in an environment protected from light. The autoradiography cassettes are suitable for light-tight exposures at temperatures down to –70°C. These cassettes are designed to survive the toughest demands of research in the life sciences, constructed from strong aluminium. Deeper cassettes allow for accommodating thicker samples.

Autoradiography cassettes are designed to increase image resolution and clarity of the background, ensuring intimate contact between the film and the sample in an environment protected from light. The autoradiography cassettes are suitable for light-tight exposures at temperatures down to –70°C. These cassettes are designed to survive the toughest demands of research in the life sciences, constructed from strong aluminium. Deeper cassettes allow for accommodating thicker samples.

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Proveedor: Cytiva
Descripción: Storage phosphor screens capture latent images produced by ionising radiation (X-ray, β, and γ emissions from isotopes such as <sup>14</sup>C, <sup>3</sup>H, <sup>125</sup>I, <sup>131</sup>I, <sup>32</sup>P, <sup>35</sup>S, <sup>33</sup>P, and more.). Upon laser-induced stimulation, light is emitted from the storage phosphor screen in proportion to the amount of radioactivity in the sample. The resulting digital image allows for quantitation of subtle signal intensity differences over a wide dynamic range using storage phosphor imaging systems such as Typhoon, Storm, and PhosphorImager. Typically, 50% to 90% less exposure time is required compared with an equivalent exposure to conventional film. Publication quality images are often obtained in a single exposure. They are reusable and are not degraded by repeated exposure to laboratory levels of radioactivity.

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