Esta buscando: FLUO+3\\\\\\\/AM

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Proveedor: Biotium
Descripción: Membrane-permeant AM ester form of Fluo-3 that can be loaded into cells via incubation. Fluo-3 AM ester itself does not bind Ca2 , but it is readily hydrolyzed to Fluo-3 by endogenous esterases once the dye is inside the cells. An important application of Fluo-3 AM ester is its use in high throughput drug screening.

Numero del catalogo: (50015.)
Proveedor: Biotium
Descripción: Membrane-permeant AM ester form of Fluo-3 that can be loaded into cells via incubation. Because of the relatively low water solubility of the AM ester, the mild detergent Pluronic F-127 (catalog no. 59004) is often used as a dispersing agent to facilitate loading. Fluo-3 AM ester itself does not bind Ca2 , but it is readily hydrolyzed to fluo-3 by endogenous esterases once the dye is inside the cells. An important application of Fluo-3 AM ester is its use in high throughput drug screening.
UOM: 1 * 1 mL

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Numero del catalogo: (ENZOENZ52004)
Descripción: Calcium dye
UOM: 1 * 1 mg

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Numero del catalogo: (59005.)
Proveedor: Biotium
Descripción: Ready-to-use solution of Pluronic® F-127, a nonionic detergent useful for solubilizing hydrophobic dye molecules such as AM esters of Fura-2, Fluo-3, Indo-1, or Rhod-2 to facilitate cell loading.
UOM: 1 * 30 mL

Numero del catalogo: (59000.)
Proveedor: Biotium
Descripción: Pluronic® F-127 is a nonionic detergent useful for solubilizing hydrophobic dye molecules such as cell-permeable AM esters of Fura-2, Fluo-3, Indo-1, or Rhod-2 calcium indicators to facilitate cell loading. Pluronic® F-127 is usually dissolved in water or DMSO with gentle heating.
UOM: 1 * 1 g

Numero del catalogo: (59004.)
Proveedor: Biotium
Descripción: Ready-to-use solution of Pluronic® F-127, a nonionic detergent useful for solubilizing hydrophobic dye molecules such as cell-permeable AM esters of Fura-2, Fluo-3, Indo-1, or Rhod-2 calcium indicators to facilitate cell loading.
UOM: 1 * 1 mL


Numero del catalogo: (50018.)
Proveedor: Biotium
Descripción: Membrane-permeant form of Fluo-4 calcium indicator.
UOM: 1 * 10 UN

Descripción: Calcium measurements are critical for numerous biological investigations.

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Descripción: Calcium measurement is critical for numerous biological investigations.

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Descripción: Calcium measurements are critical for numerous biological investigations.

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Numero del catalogo: (AATB20560)
Descripción: Fluo-5F is an analog of Fluo-4 with lower calcium-binding affinity (Kd = ~2.3 µM), making it suitable for detecting intracellular calcium levels in the range of 1 µM to 1 mM that would saturate the response of Fluo-4.
UOM: 1 * 500 µG

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Numero del catalogo: (AATB20566)
Descripción: Fluo-5N is an analog of Fluo-4 with lower calcium-binding affinity (Kd = ~90 uM), making it suitable for detecting intracellular calcium levels in the range of 1 µM to 1 mM that would saturate the response of Fluo-4.
UOM: 1 * 500 µG

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Numero del catalogo: (AATB21010)
Descripción: Calcium measurement is critical for numerous biological investigations.
UOM: 1 * 1 mg

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Descripción: Calcium measurements are critical for numerous biological investigations.

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Numero del catalogo: (AATB20401)
Descripción: The cell-permeant Mag-Fluo-4 AM is an analog of Fluo-4 AM with a Kd for Mg ion of 4.7 mM and a Kd for Ca ion of 22 µM, making it useful as an intracellular Mg ion indicator as well as a low-affinity Ca ion indicator.
UOM: 1 * 500 µG

New Product

Descripción: Calcium measurement is critical for numerous biological investigations.

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