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Proveedor: HELLMA
Descripción: <p>Hellma® high precision quartz glass (macro-) cylinder cells for absorption measurements in the UV/Vis/NIR range, 0,1 to 100mm path length, with stopper.</p>

Proveedor: HELLMA
Descripción: <p>Hellma® High precision quartz glass macro cells for absorption or fluorescence measurements in the UV/Vis range, 4 and 10 mm path length, with magnetic rod and lid.</p>

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Proveedor: HELLMA
Descripción: <p>An assortment of lids, silicone gaskets, and screw caps designed for use with standard Hellma® cells.</p>

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Numero del catalogo: (HELL111-070-40)
Proveedor: HELLMA
Descripción: <p>Hellma® high precision quartz glass dye-laser cell for for special applications in the UV/Vis range, 10×10 mm path length, with stopper.</p>
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: HELLMA
Descripción: <p>Hellma® high precision quartz glass ultra-micro cells for fluorescence measurements in the UV/Vis range, 1,5 to 10 mm path length, with stopper.</p>

Proveedor: DWK Life Sciences
Descripción: These screw neck vials are made of clear and amber type I borosilicate glass and its innovative design with limited volume insert enables the insert to be precisely centered inside the vial.

Proveedor: HELLMA
Descripción: <p>Hellma® high precision quartz glass semi-micro cells for absorption measurements in the UV/Vis range, 10 mm path length, with lid.</p>

Numero del catalogo: (634-9711)
Proveedor: HELLMA
Descripción: <p>Hellma® high precision quartz glass flow through cell for absorption measurements in the UV/Vis range, 10 mm path length, with inlet and outlet nozzle.</p>
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: HELLMA
Descripción: <p>Hellma® high precision quartz glass macro cells for fluorescence measurements in the UV/Vis range, 10 mm and 10×10 mm path length, with transition nozzle from Quartz/Duran.</p>

Proveedor: HELLMA
Descripción: <p>Hellma® high precision macro cells from special optical glass for absorption measurements in the Vis range, 10 mm path length, with lid.</p>

Proveedor: DWK Life Sciences
Descripción: Precision-manufactured from low extractable borosilicate glass, these vials are ideal for compound biological sample applications. Vials conforms to USP Type I and ASTM E 438 Type I, Class A requirements.
Proveedor: LENZ, E. (Lenz Laborglas GmbH & CO.KG)
Descripción: Stirrer made of precision calibrated glass tube and shaft made of DURAN® tubing with PTFE blade.

Proveedor: HELLMA
Descripción: <p>Hellma® high precision quartz glass flow-through cells for absorption measurements in the UV/Vis range and/or fluorescence measurements, 0,1 to 50 mm path length, with inlet and outlet nozzle, or 2 screw connections and FEP tubes.</p>

Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Estos termómetros están indicados para aplicaciones con congeladores, refrigeradores, incubadores, hornos y bancos de sangre. El termómetro se encuentra en una botella llena de líquido.

Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: These objectives deliver precise performance without the need of the cover slide, being NCG (no cover glass). They are intended to be used in metallurgical and epi-illumination applications. Ideal for routine laboratory needs.

Numero del catalogo: (MFLX30004-68)
Proveedor: Avantor Fluid Handling
Descripción: Four sensors operate as through-glass buttons for easy on-site programming without removing the cover and exposing the electronics.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

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