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Numero del catalogo: (710-1140)
Proveedor: MEMMERT
Descripción: Door with lock (safety lock), for SN160plus, Para: Steriliser SN160plus
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (710-1258)
Proveedor: MEMMERT
Descripción: Door with lock (safety lock), for SN30plus, Para: Steriliser SN30plus
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

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Proveedor: MEMMERT
Descripción: Wall bracket (tubular frame for wall mounting), Para: SF 75 Plus

Proveedor: MEMMERT
Descripción: Extension plug-in tube, angled, for exhaust air ducting, for U, I, S, Para: SF 160 Plus

Numero del catalogo: (710-1442)
Proveedor: MEMMERT
Descripción: Door with lock (safety lock), for SN75plus, Para: Steriliser SN75plus
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: MEMMERT
Descripción: Extension plug-in tube, angled, for exhaust air ducting, for U, I, S, Para: SF 30 Plus

Proveedor: MEMMERT
Descripción: These sterilisers comply with all relevant standards and regulations for medical products, and guarantee reliable program sequences, irrespective of the load and chamber volume. With the SetpointWAIT function validation of this hot air steriliser is possible anytime. The SetpointWAIT function ensures that the program only continues when the set point temperature has been reached. Precisely maintaining the sterilisation time and thus completely killing off even highly resistant microorganisms is, therefore, guaranteed at all times, irrespective of the sterilisation load and chamber volume. This feature can also be used with additional, freely positionable PT100 temperature sensors. In this case, sterilisation only begins when the set point temperature has been reached at all measurement points – that is, in the load. For special applications such as depyrogenisation, this hot air steriliser is absolutely ideal. SFplus models are equipped with TwinDISPLAY.

Numero del catalogo: (710-1350)
Proveedor: MEMMERT
Descripción: Door with lock (safety lock), for SN55plus, Para: Steriliser SN55plus
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (710-1051)
Proveedor: MEMMERT
Descripción: Door with lock (safety lock), for SN110
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (710-1098)
Proveedor: MEMMERT
Descripción: Door with lock (safety lock), for SN160
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: MEMMERT
Descripción: Subframe, on castors (size 30 to 75: height 660 mm, size 110 to 450: height 560 mm), Para: SF 110 Plus

Proveedor: MEMMERT
Descripción: Perforated shelf, stainless steel, Para: SF 450

Proveedor: MEMMERT
Descripción: Stainless steel grid (standard equipment) for SN 30, Para: Steriliser SN30

Proveedor: MEMMERT
Descripción: This steriliser complies with all relevant standards and regulations for medical products and guarantees reliable programme sequences, irrespective of the load and chamber volume. Especially due to the SetpointWAIT function the validation of this hot air steriliser is possible anytime. The SetpointWAIT function ensures that the programme is only continued when the setpoint temperature has been reached. Precisely maintaining the sterilisation time and completely killing off even highly resistant microorganisms is therefore guaranteed at all times, irrespective of the sterilisation load and chamber volume. This feature can also be used with additional, freely positionable PT100 temperature sensors. In this case, sterilisation only begins when the setpoint temperature has been reached at all measurement points – that is, in the load. For the special application of depyrogenisation, the hot-air steriliser is ideal.

Numero del catalogo: (710-1167)
Proveedor: MEMMERT
Descripción: Door with lock (safety lock), for SN260, Para: Steriliser SN260
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: MEMMERT
Descripción: Flush-fit unit (stainless steel frame covering gap between oven and wall opening), with air slots, Para: SF 160

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El stock para este material es limitada pero puede estar disponible en un almacén cerca de usted. Por favor, asegúrese de que ha iniciado sesión en la web para que el stock disponible se puede mostrar. Si el call sigue apareciendo y usted necesita ayuda, por favor llámenos al 902 222 897 o por email en
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