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Numero del catalogo: (700-0880)
Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Wider than the Maxi S Plus, the Maxi M model can accommodate up to 168 samples but still with an economical footprint.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Extra wide, for gels 20×10 cm, Twin ExW S is ideally suited to rapid analytical separations or large sample separation. The combination of the triple-cathode construction, and effective cooling provides a stable environment for high quality sample separation.

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Numero del catalogo: (700-0741)
Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: The smallest of all the PerfectBlue electrophoresis systems, the Mini S can be used for up to 24 samples enabling short and rapid sample separation. This model includes all the features of the larger models, including direct chamber gel casting and embedded platinum electrodes, and is supplied ready to use with lid, power leads, two combs and a gel tray with an easy to read ruler.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Las placas RP-2, RP-8 y RP-18 tienen silicagel 60 modificado con hidrocarburos alifáticos. La longitud de la cadena, junto con el grado de modificación determina la tolerancia al agua o al sistema disolvente y afectan en gran medida a la retención. Con la misma composición de disolventes, el tiempo de migración aumenta progresivamente en RP 2, RP 8 y RP-18, respectivamente. Las placas RP 8 y RP 18 permiten trabajar con mezclas de disolventes con un contenido de agua de hasta 60%.
Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Estos sistemas para limpieza de salas limpias pueden ser usados sin escurridor. Son particularmente adecuados para la aplicación de desinfectantes en suelos, paredes y techos. Las nuevas esponjas High Performance para limpieza de salas limpias permiten una excelente absorción de líquido.

Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: The largest of the series, the Twin L can accommodate 20×20 cm gels for the simultaneous separation of up to 50 samples making this system ideally suited to either higher throughput or separating lower molecular weight samples. The system actively manages temperature build up with an efficient water cooling system and central aluminium ceramic plates for effective and safe long-term operation.

Numero del catalogo: (700-0910)
Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: This 'extra wide' Maxi tank was developed especially for large sample numbers and rapid separation times. Accommodating up to 10 microtitre combs, the Maxi ExW can be used to separate up to 500 samples and facilitates error-free loading with multichannel pipettes. By optimising the position of the embedded platinum electrode and the use of the three-point levelling platform, with in-built bubble level, the Maxi ExW provides highly reproducible and dependable sample separation, free from 'smiling' effects.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: For 16×14 cm gels, the Twin M is a versatile system for SDS PAGE applications, in addition to non denaturing electrophoresis of proteins, SSCPs and dinucleotide repeats. With the enlarged upper buffer chamber, water circulation system and heat-sinking aluminium ceramic plates, the Twin M provides high speed separation while maintaining straight, sharp bands.

Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: The PerfectBlue Twin S system is designed for rapid separation of typical 10×10 cm mini gels. Due to its small size and a separation capacity of 6 to 30 samples, it is ideal for fast, analytical separations. A highly efficient cooling system ensures uncompromising results.

Numero del catalogo: (730-0340)
Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: This 96-well format horizontal gel electrophoresis unit is compatible with 8-channel multichannel pipettes, and matches up with a standard 96-well plate configuration.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: UV transmissible acrylic plate for excising DNA from gels

Numero del catalogo: (700-0909)
Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Based on the Maxi M model, the Maxi M 'Revolution' offers a built-in buffer circulation system, powered by the system’s electrodes. At the cathode, hydrogen bubbles are produced and pass up a diagonally positioned pipe connected to the two sides of the tank to produce a gentle and continual circulation of the buffer. The system nulls any pH and ionic gradient – without the fuss of mechanical pumps. The system offers 6 comb positions enabling the gel to be partitioned into 2, 3 or 4 areas. In addition, the system can accommodate any of the 23 standard and microtitre comb designs described for the Maxi M model.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Designed for ease of use and safe operation, the shiroGEL horizontal electrophoresis systems and accessories are built to withstand the rigours of everyday use. For leakproof performance the gel boxes and gel trays are moulded from thick acrylic. UV transparent gel trays aid in visualisation of samples. Cassettes protect the electrodes and allow for easy replacement. Gel casting is simple with the durable rubber casting gates. Slots in the sides of the trays allow for easy comb placement. The two-piece design of the combs allows for vertical adjustment, giving the user control over the depth of the well. The combs supplied with the systems are 1,5 mm thick. Multiple combs, including those compatible with multichannel pipettes and different thicknesses, are also available. The 'EasyLift' gel box lid is easily removed using the side tabs and pressure pads. The lid is domed, to prevent condensation from dripping onto the gel, and is surrounded by a drip ring, to help recover the condensate and maintain buffer concentration.

Numero del catalogo: (700-0814)
Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Capable of rapidly running up to 160 samples, the Midi S is a compact, but highly efficient, electrophoresis system. Versatility is built-in, with six different comb positions and a choice of 10 different comb types and thicknesses available. For rapid handling, special microtitre combs enable rapid loading with a multichannel pipette, while the effective rubber sealed 'end gates' allow gel pouring right in the tray. With its sturdy design and straight electrodes, the results are clear, crisp and quick, free from 'smiling' bands.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Este papel súper grueso se usa para completar el sándwich de secado. La textura suave y uniforme garantiza el contacto continuo del tampón desde la cámara a través del gel y la membrana de transferencia.

Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Tecnología de sílice monolítica: una nueva era de la cromatografía. Las columnas Chromolith® están hechas a base de sílice de modo que pueden transferirse fácilmente los métodos conocidos con solo una inversión mínima en un nuevo método de trabajo de desarrollo. La tecnología 'Sol-Gel' permite que se formen varillas monolíticas de sílice muy porosas. Esto permite una estructura de poros bimodal que proporciona una combinación exclusiva de macroporos y mesoporos.


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