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Overcome normal optical limitations in microscopic studies by highlighting specific structures with stains and reagents and then protect samples with fixatives. The fast-acting dyes create strong contrasts between cell components for easier detection or analyses. Sensitive attractions to certain organelle or cellular components differ among offered stains, allowing precise testing modifications. Flexible in use, ready-to-use stains may be handled manually or in conjunction with automatic equipment.

Overcome normal optical limitations in microscopic studies by highlighting specific structures with stains and reagents and then protect samples with fixatives. The fast-acting dyes create strong contrasts between cell components for easier detection or analyses. Sensitive attractions to certain organelle or cellular components differ among offered stains, allowing precise testing modifications. Flexible in use, ready-to-use stains may be handled manually or in conjunction with automatic equipment.

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Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: G-Biosciences' RAPIDstain™ is an ultra sensitive, ready-to-use protein stain based on Coomassie dye

Proveedor: LONZA
Descripción: SYPRO™ Ruby Protein Gel Stain is highly sensitive, simple to use fluorescent stain that can accurately quantitate protein expression levels, and is compatible with standard fluorescent visualization systems and downstream identification techniques such as mass spectrometry.

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Numero del catalogo: (21003-1L)
Proveedor: Biotium
Descripción: One-Step Blue® is a ready-to-use protein gel staining solution. It produces fast (5-60 min) protein staining in a single step without fixation or washing.
UOM: 1 * 1 L

FDS Certificados Environmentally Preferable

Proveedor: Thermo Scientific
Descripción: Agarose gel loading dye (6X) is used in DNA gel analysis in alkaline conditions.
Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: These premixed and ready-to-use gel dyes are designed to minimise the use of ethidium bromide. Glow dyes provide intense DNA/RNA bands with little background or band distortion on any type of agarose or acrylamide gel.

Numero del catalogo: (10976-20ML)
Proveedor: Honeywell Chemicals
Descripción: UV-transparent, fluorescence-free immersion oil.
UOM: 1 * 20 mL

Proveedor: Biotium
Descripción: Lumitein™ is a luminescent dye designed for detecting proteins in SDS polyacrylamide (SDS-PAGE) gels. It can also be used to detect proteins in native PAGE gels after an additional SDS incubation step. The stain combines excellent sensitivity, exceptional user-friendliness and compatibility with common instruments and downstream analysis.

Proveedor: Genscript
Descripción: eStain is a highly efficient protein PAGE gel staining system, which uses Coomassie Brilliant Blue and a patented protein staining technology developed by Genscript. eStain staining system integrates the traditional three steps of fixing-staining-destaining into one and can stain/destain two protein PAGE gels simultaneously in 10 minutes or less.

Numero del catalogo: (RPN5661)
Proveedor: Cytiva
Descripción: CyDye™ Post-labelling reactive dye pack for the generation of highly fluorescent Cy3- and Cy5-labelled probes.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Numero del catalogo: (MOTI1101001300011)
Proveedor: MOTIC
Descripción: Microscopy and staining reagents, Immersion oil (5 ml)
UOM: 1 * 1 UN


Numero del catalogo: (EDVO608)
Proveedor: EDVOTEK
Descripción: SYBR® Safe Stain is a DNA stain that fluoresces with a bright green colour when excited with UV light. Like ethidium bromide, SYBR® Safe Stain binds specifically to the DNA double helix.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

FDS Certificados

Numero del catalogo: (IMML1620-B)
Descripción: This compound reagent is designed for use as a bed liquid.
UOM: 1 * 100 mL


Descripción: Imsol Mount is an aqueous mounting medium: Especially for immunohistochemistry slides stained with an alk. phos. method and other non solvent resistant chromogens.


Proveedor: ZEISS
Descripción: Increases the resolving power of a microscope. Zeiss Immersol™ is a transparent oil with a refractive index of 1.518. It is free of fluorescence and halogen, and is certified according to ISO 8036-1/2.
Numero del catalogo: (ZEIS4449640000000)
Proveedor: ZEISS
Descripción: Immersion oil 518 F according ISO 8036-1/2.
UOM: 1 * 500 mL

Numero del catalogo: (720-2356)
Proveedor: CELLPATH
Descripción: ‘OCT’ cryo microtomy embedding medium is designed for use at –20 ˚C to –30 ˚C. The medium freezes rapidly with minimal damage by crystal formation and is an ideal support medium for cutting tissue sections.
UOM: 1 * 125 mL

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