Esta buscando: Western+Blotting+Reagents

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Descripción: The ScanLater™ Western Blot Assay Kits are a time-resolved fluorescence (TRF)-based assay, optimal for quantitating as little as femtogram protein samples.

Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: Western ReProbe™ is a single component system that is specifically formulated to dissociate and remove antibodies from membrane-bound proteins without destroying the antigenic binding affinity. Western ReProbe™ also enables the ability to reuse Western blots.

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Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: The Swift™ Western Diluent is a solution that reduces the blocking and antibody incubations on Western blot membranes to <60 minutes. Swift™ Western Diluent generates comparable results to traditional Western blotting procedures and other commercial “fast” Western blotting kits.

Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: Western ReProbe™ PLUS allows for the removal of stubborn, high affinity antibodies from membrane bound proteins without destroying the antigenic binding affinity. The membrane bound protein is retained on the membrane and the matching antibodies are washed away. Once the antigen-antibody bonds are broken, the membrane bound protein is free to accept new antibodies.

Proveedor: Rockland Immunochemicals
Descripción: These accurate and sensitive kits are ideal for Western blotting or dot blotting methods. They offer flexibility with two unique substrates: Bright Blue TMB substrate and Stable Brown DAB substrate. Components are colour-coded for error-free results. With MaxTag™ you can run up to 40 (10×10cm) immunoblots.

Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: This blot contains two protein lanes, a protein marker lane and a lane with one GenLysate™ sample. After the proteins are resolved, they are transferred to a PVDF membrane using Western Transfer Buffer. The blots are ready to be blocked and probed with the antibodies of choice.

Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: This blot contains two protein lanes, a protein marker lane and a lane with one GenLysate™ sample. After the proteins are resolved, they are transferred to a PVDF membrane using Western Transfer Buffer. The blots are ready to be blocked and probed with the antibodies of choice.

Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: SWIFT™ transfer pads are treated with a proprietary electrolyte buffer to enhance Western blot transfer efficiency.

Numero del catalogo: (TB47)
Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: The subcellular fractions from liver tissue are prepared by carefully dissecting out anatomically and functionally distinct regions of adult mouse livers.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: Ready-to-screen, human, single tissue blots, from both normal and tumour tissues. G-Biosciences pre-made blots are prepared with the appropriate GenLysate™ and 50 μg protein is loaded onto a 4 to 20% denaturing polyacrylamide gel, along with a prestained molecular weight marker. After the proteins are resolved, they are transferred to a PVDF membrane, using our Western transfer buffer.

Proveedor: VWR Chemicals
Descripción: Tampones de lavado ideales para aplicaciones como inmunotransferencia y ELISA. Se evita un fondo alto mediante la eliminación eficaz de los reactivos libres.
Numero del catalogo: (ROCK605-4602)
Proveedor: Rockland Immunochemicals
Descripción: Secondary antibody reagents are ideal for western blotting, immunochemistry, ELISA, Fluorescence Microscopy, Flow Cytometry as well as other antibody detection methods.
UOM: 1 * 2 mg

Numero del catalogo: (ROCK605-4102)
Proveedor: Rockland Immunochemicals
Descripción: Secondary antibody reagents are ideal for western blotting, immunochemistry, ELISA, Fluorescence Microscopy, Flow Cytometry as well as other antibody detection methods.
UOM: 1 * 2 mg

Numero del catalogo: (ROCK010-2642)
Proveedor: Rockland Immunochemicals
Descripción: Mouse IgG2b kappa isotype control can be utilized as a control or standard reagent in Flow Cytometry, Western Blotting, and ELISA experiments where determination of sample isotype is important.
UOM: 1 * 1 mg

Numero del catalogo: (ROCK609-103-123)
Proveedor: Rockland Immunochemicals
Descripción: Peroxidase Secondary antibody reagents are ideal for western blotting, immunochemistry and ELISA as well as other antibody detection methods.
UOM: 1 * 1 mg

Descripción: Bromophenol blue has been used in the sample buffer prepared for western blotting. A tracking dye for nucleic acid or protein electrophoresis in agarose or polyacrylamide gels.

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