Esta buscando: freeze+dryers

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Proveedor: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Descripción: For customers in cell and gene therapy and vaccine production, the CryoMed with OPC UA provides precise, repeatable freezing results that protect samples from intracellular freezing. The CryoMed features OPC UA serial communication (ethernet) capabilities, comes standard factory certifications, provides enhanced data traceability via a touch screen user interface and offers customizable freezing profiles while supporting 21 CFR part 11 and GMP needs.

Proveedor: STEMCELL Technologies
Descripción: Animal component-free, defined hypothermic (2 to 8 °C) preservation medium for a range of cell and tissue types.


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Proveedor: Charles River Laboratories Cell Solutions
Descripción: CryoStor® cryopreservation freeze media products have been designed to mitigate temperature-induced molecular cell stress responses during freezing and thawing.

Proveedor: Corning
Descripción: Los contenedores de congelación celular sin alcohol CoolCell® garantizan una congelación celular estandarizada a una velocidad controlada de −1 °C/minuto en un congelador a −80 °C, sin alcohol ni líquidos.
Numero del catalogo: (CAMP2000037216)
Proveedor: CAMPING GAZ
Descripción: This high-performance 95 litre cooler is designed to easily transport large volumes of food and drink as well as keep them cool for an impressively long five days.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

New Product

Numero del catalogo: (STMC05859)
Proveedor: STEMCELL Technologies
Descripción: Animal component-free medium for freezing ES and iPS cells as single cells.
UOM: 1 * 50 mL

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Proveedor: PROVITRO
Descripción: Immediately after delivery, place the passage kit in the dark at −20 °C. Prior use thaw the passage kit. After thawing store the passage kit in the dark at 2 °C to 8 °C for a maximum of 4 weeks. Take care: After thawing shelf time is limited to 4 weeks.
After thawing the passage kit can be stored in the dark at 2 °C to 8 °C for up to 1 month. Do not heat the kit over 37 °C or use uncontrollable sources of heat (e.g. microwave appliances).
Do not refreeze the kit. This can lead to high salt concentrations by freezing out pure water which will cause irreversible damage.
Overtrypsination causes irreversible damage.
Because of the tryptic activity of this passage kit, do not exceed the recommended incubation period. Exposing the cells too long will cause irreversible damages to your culture.

New Product

Numero del catalogo: (479-1966)
Proveedor: Corning
Descripción: XT Freezing Core for CoolBox™ XT/2XT Workstations, for below 0 °C , Corning®
UOM: 1 * 1 UN


Proveedor: Corning
Descripción: Poloxamer 188 is a surfactant used in cell culture to protect cells in suspension against possible damage during transfer, freezing and thawing, and stirring.
Numero del catalogo: (STMC05838)
Proveedor: STEMCELL Technologies
Descripción: For cryopreservation of neural progenitor cells generated using STEMdiff™ Neural induction medium.
UOM: 1 * 100 mL

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Numero del catalogo: (ZOASIGONEST150)
Descripción: The oasig freeze drying process stabilises all of the active components allowing these reagents to be shipped and stored at room temperature. This hugely simplifies the logistics of purchasing, shipping and using the technology. Whether you are in a sophisticated laboratory in Texas or a mobile field hospital in Timbuktu we can supply complete qPCR kit and reagent packages to your door quickly and cheaply via standard shipping methods without the need for dry ice or a cold chain of any sort.
Freeze dried qPCR reagents stored and shipped at ambient temperatures:
UOM: 1 * 150 Tests

Numero del catalogo: (25-950-CQC)
Proveedor: Corning
Descripción: Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) is commonly used in cell cryopreservation, along with glycerol, to prevent damage to the cell membrane during freezing.
UOM: 1 * 250 mL


Proveedor: CAMPING GAZ
Descripción: This cooling pack is ideal for keeping drinks, food or medicines cool for longer in a passive hard or soft cooler. Its components include water, carboxymethyllcellulose, acticide and blue colourant.

Numero del catalogo: (03770-5L)
Proveedor: Honeywell Chemicals
Descripción: Etilenglicol, grado técnico suitable as anti-freezing agent (with corrosion-inhibitor), blue
UOM: 1 * 5 L


Proveedor: GA
Descripción: Deep-freeze, 0,28" colours dot labels are designed specifically for the identification of 0,2 ml microtube caps.

Proveedor: MURRAY S
Descripción: Freeze drying ampoules are made of neutral glass.

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