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Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: These fluid-repellent, latex-free gowns are all made of non woven SMMS fabric. They provide protection from low, medium or high fluid exposure.
Numero del catalogo: (481-0844)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: This steam chemical indicator offers a distinct off-white to dark brown/black color change when exposed to steam sterilization.
UOM: 1 * 240 UN


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Numero del catalogo: (MMMEM1301)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: With unique colour chemistry, the 3M™ Comply™ Disposable Bowie and Dick Type Autoclave Test Pack has been designed for single use in porous load sterilizers for daily Bowie and Dick tests.
UOM: 1 * 20 UN


Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: An exposure monitor that securely seals packs, and provides a visual assurance that the package has been exposed to the steam sterilisation process.
Numero del catalogo: (481-0842)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: Integrating indicator for use in determining whether the process conditions necessary for sterilisation were met inside each pack. Can be used in all 118 to 138 °C (245 to 280 °F) steam sterilisation cycles.
UOM: 1 * 500 UN


Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: 3M™ Attest™ Biological Monitoring Systems are true biological indicators, in self-contained indicator capsules. They enable checks on the biological reliability and performance of each steriliser without laboratory facilities and laboratory trained personnel.
Numero del catalogo: (489-0109)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: Indicator tapes are Class 1 process indicators used for exposure monitoring. They provide assurance to the operator handling the processed items that the pack has been exposed to the sterilisation process without the need to open the pack or check load control records. Optional tape dispensers are available for easy dispensing of indicator tapes.
UOM: 1 * 1 Rolo


Numero del catalogo: (111-1033)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: The Bowie and Dick test is carried out daily in an empty chamber after a warm up cycle and is designed to show the adequacy of steam penetration.
UOM: 1 * 20 UN


Numero del catalogo: (804-0226)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: This chemical indicator tape is designed for use as packaging tape and for the immediate identification of items exposed to dry heat processing.
UOM: 1 * 1 Rolo


Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: This hypoallergenic paper tape is gentle to the skin yet adheres well and leaves minimal adhesive residue upon removal.

Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: Biological indicators provide the best assurance of sterility by challenging the steriliser with quantifiable, highly resistant spores. After sterilisation, the vial is 'crushed' to join the growth media with the processed spore strip. A colour change to yellow indicates surviving spores and a positive result. Biological indicators are used for load control monitoring which is the process by which a load is monitored and released based on the result of a biological indicator (BI) in a test pack.
Numero del catalogo: (481-0845)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: These chemical integrators are Class 5 integrating indicators used for pack control as a method for monitoring sterilisation process conditions inside each pack. They can also be used inside a process challenge device (PCD) to release processed items, excluding implants (load control), however they do not replace the use of biological indicators.
UOM: 1 * 250 UN


Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: Single-stage chromatographic purification for recombinant protein therapeutic manufacturing.

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Numero del catalogo: (MMMEM118)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: 3M™ Attest™ incubators provide optimal conditions for accurate readout using biological indicators.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (MMMEM1538-1)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: Durable, no-stretch silk-like cloth tape for critical tubing applications. Silk-like cloth, hypoallergenic tape, standard roll.
UOM: 1 * 12 Rolo

Numero del catalogo: (MMMEM1862)
Proveedor: 3M MEDICAL
Descripción: The 1800 Series offers the wearer comfortable and reliable protection. The foldable 3-panel design fits a wide range of face shapes and is compatible with eyewear.
UOM: 1 * 20 UN

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