Accessories for FreeZone® freeze drying systems

Proveedor: LABCONCO
7522300 7540000 7540200 7540300 7540400 7540600 7540800 7540900 7541000 7545200 7545800 7547200 7547600 7550900 7551000 7568000 7575010 7575210 7762700 7645900 7556400 7557000 7557200 7557400 7557600 7557800 7557900 7558000 7559000 7559200 7559400 7568200 7568400 7568600 7570610 7570810 7571010 7571210 7572710 7573010 7573210 7573610 7574010 7574210 7576010 7576210 7577010 7577110 7578000 7578100 7578500 7394800 7442600 7442700 7509200 7509201 7509400 7509401 7509600 7538400 7541100 7541200 7542000 7542200 7542300 7542400 7542600 7542700 7542800 7542900 7543000 7543200 7544000 7544200 7544400 7544810 7545000 7545400 7545600 7546000 7547000 7547400 7550000 7550200 7550400 7550600 7550800 7552000 7552200 7552400 7554000 7554200 7554400 7554600 7554800 7554900 7555000 7556000 7556200 7762800 7772100 7772600 7728000 7426400 7573810 7573410 7439903 7543800 7593401 7386800 7569000 7205100 7205101 7201700 7317100 7541101 7543400 7207500 7542601 7542701 7542801 7542901 7540601 7540801 7540901 7207400 7121725 7121724 7121723 7121722 7121721 7121713 7121712 7121711 7121702 7121701
535-0111EA 5040 EUR
535-0111 535-0042 531-0176 535-0112 535-0043 535-0044 535-0045 535-0046 535-0113 535-0131 535-0047 535-0135 535-0048 535-0142 535-0049 535-0050 535-0181 535-0182 535-0191 LBCP7645900 535-0155 535-0156 535-0157 535-0158 535-0159 535-0160 535-0161 535-0162 535-0163 535-0164 535-0165 535-0166 535-0167 535-0168 535-0169 535-0170 535-0171 535-0172 535-0173 535-0174 535-0175 535-0177 535-0179 535-0180 535-0183 535-0184 535-0185 535-0186 LBCP7578000 LBCP7578100 LBCP7578500 LBCP7394800 535-0108 535-0109 LBCP7509200 535-0110 LBCP7509400 LBCP7509401 535-0214 LBCP7538400 535-0114 535-0115 535-0116 535-0117 535-0118 535-0119 535-0120 535-0121 535-0122 535-0123 535-0124 535-0125 535-0126 535-0127 535-0128 535-0129 535-0130 535-0132 531-0177 535-0133 535-0134 535-0136 535-0137 535-0138 535-0139 535-0140 535-0141 535-0143 535-0144 535-0145 535-0146 535-0147 535-0148 535-0149 535-0150 535-0151 535-0152 535-0153 535-0154 535-0192 531-0948 531-0950 LBCP7728000 LBCP7426400 535-0178 535-0176 535-0213 LBCP7543800 535-0187 531-0941 LBCP7569000 LBCP7205100 LBCP7205101 LBCP7201700 LBCP7317100 LBCP7541101 LBCP7543400 LBCP7207500 LBCP7542601 LBCP7542701 LBCP7542801 LBCP7542901 LBCP7540601 LBCP7540801 LBCP7540901 LBCP7207400 LBCP7121725 LBCP7121724 LBCP7121723 LBCP7121722 LBCP7121721 LBCP7121713 LBCP7121712 LBCP7121711 LBCP7121702 LBCP7121701
Accessories for FreeZone® freeze drying systems
Secadores para congelación
Fast-Freeze® flasks for FreeZone® freeze dry systems are designed to be easier to handle, faster to load, and more convenient to use in the laboratory for freeze drying.

  • Compatible with all major brands of freeze drying equipment, including labconco and Virtis™

Fast-Freeze® flasks simplify lyophilization procedures with a wide-mouth design that allows easy access to samples.

Flat bottom, high-strength borosilicate glass flask withstands high heat and deep vacuum. Uniform glass walls maximize heat transfer while maintaining structural strength. Wide-More Product Information
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