Esta buscando: Desgasificantes

Degassers of all models and formulations are designed to effectively remove dissolved or adsorbed gases from HPLC mobile phases. Removing gases is important in eliminating noise spikes in chromatograms. Bubble formation on the mixing of solvents can lead to a number of problems in HPLC analysis which can be prevented by degassing the mobile phase. Degassers may use the processes of helium purging, vacuum degassing, or sonication to achieve positive results.

Degassers of all models and formulations are designed to effectively remove dissolved or adsorbed gases from HPLC mobile phases. Removing gases is important in eliminating noise spikes in chromatograms. Bubble formation on the mixing of solvents can lead to a number of problems in HPLC analysis which can be prevented by degassing the mobile phase. Degassers may use the processes of helium purging, vacuum degassing, or sonication to achieve positive results.

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Numero del catalogo: (KNFAN8163KT18.110V)
Proveedor: KNF
Descripción: Chemically resistant, oil-free diaphragm vacuum pump used for a wide range of laboratory applications. It features PPS heads, PTFE-coated diaphragms and FFPM valves.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

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Numero del catalogo: (RHEO9000-1549)
Descripción: Dissolved gases and bubbles in system liquids cause dispense volume anomalies in many instruments, negatively affecting both dispense precision and analytical accuracy. Now you have a choice of components for actively removing bubbles with or without also removing dissolved system gases.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

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Descripción: DEGASi® PREP+ uses a revolutionary new technology that makes it possible to degass organic solutions with higher flows in a cost effective manner.

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Descripción: On-Line degassing has been shown to be more effective at removing dissolved gas from mobile phases than sonication or helium sparging. Up to five solvent lines can be degassed simultaneously by one unit. The extremely low volume of each PTFE AF channel (480 μl) offers very quick equilibration and very short start-up times.

Numero del catalogo: (HPLC0001-6484)
Descripción: The Systec® Stand-Alone Prep-Scale HPLC vacuum degassing systems is high-efficiency, in-line modules that remove dissolved gases from the mobile phase. Their unique design assures reliable continuous operation and the highest level of performance available without the need for helium sparging. Up to five solvent lines may be degassed simultaneously by one unit.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (REST25014)
Proveedor: Restek
Descripción: Bubbles in an LC system can cause check valve malfunctions and pump cavitation, seriously affecting pump performance. The debubbler removes bubbles from the fluid stream before it enters the pump.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

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