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Esta buscando: BRP Indicator solution

875  results were found

Scientists & Labs Op

Scientists & Labs Operating at Peak Efficiency to Foster Innovation Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us White Paper: Science as a Service Current industry trends and forecasts for the lab of the future ind...

Scientists & Labs Operating at Peak Efficiency to Foster Innovation

Scientists & Labs Operating at Peak Efficiency to Foster Innovation Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us White Paper: Science as a Service Current industry trends and forecasts for the lab of the future ind...

IP Exitus Plus

infoPoint The complete decontamination of equipment and surfaces from any DNA molecules is important for biological containment and safety as well as preventing false results in PCR amplification experiments. DNA-ExitusPlus™ is a safe nucleic acid...

@@NUMMER 8090145@@

@@NUMMER 8090145@@ 1 DNA-ExitusPlus & DNA-ExitusPlus IF Reagent for the removal of DNA and RNA contaminations Product codes A7089 and A7409 Description DNA-ExitusPlus™ is a novel patented reagent for the removal of nucleic acid contamination fro...

General Description of an Application

General Description of an Application Application Date: 23.01.2014 Page 1 of 8 Quantitative analysis of ascorbic acid with specific titrant DCPIP Application Date: 23.01.2014 Page 2 of 8 Use This method is used to determine the content of ascorbic...

Amplia gama de patrones de índice de refracción (1,34325-1,65808 ŋD)

Amplia gama de patrones de índice de refracción (134325-165808 ŋD) Gama completa compuesta por 25 patrones con base de disolvente y estabilizados con sacarosa a 20 °C Estos 25 patrones de índice de refracción se pueden utilizar con cualquier marca...


N EP H EL O M ET R Y A LP H A SC R EE N ® FP TR F & T R -F R ET LU M I + B R ET FI + F R ET A B SO R B A N C E Rev. xx/2017 Keywords: AN xxx Fluorescent quantification of low amounts of dsDNA using AccuBlueTM NextGen from Biotium Introduction Mate...

Identificación microbiana

Identificación microbiana Análisis rápidos que incluyen análisis de PCR y PCR en tiempo real con reactivos de biología molecular consumibles y equipos. Staining Solutions for Microorganisms Staining Equipment Rapid Tests Anerobic Systems Contadore...

Identificación micro

Identificación microbiana Análisis rápidos que incluyen análisis de PCR y PCR en tiempo real con reactivos de biología molecular consumibles y equipos. Staining Solutions for Microorganisms Staining Equipment Rapid Tests Anerobic Systems Selección...

Scientists & Labs Operating at Peak Efficiency to Foster Innovation

Scientists & Labs Operating at Peak Efficiency to Foster Innovation Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us White Paper: Science as a Service Current industry trends and forecasts for the lab of the future ind...

industrial overview brochure


Back Pressure in Flowmeters: Causes and Solutions

Back Pressure in Flowmeters: Causes and Solutions If you use a flowmeter to measure flow rate you must consider the effect of back pressure. In some processes sufficient back pressure will exceed maximum operating pressure causing some component o...

Masterflex I/P Brushless Process Drive & Handling the Harsh Solutions in WasteWater Applications

Masterflex I/P Brushless Process Drive & Handling the Harsh Solutions in WasteWater Applications Handling the Harsh Solutions in WasteWater Applications Looking for a pump system to handle your water treatment process needs? Look no further— Maste...

Materiales de referencia

Materiales de referencia Una mayor capacidad en técnicas instrumentales en rangos de ppb y ppt y sin duda la necesidad de que los resultados se verifiquen y sean trazables son impulsores clave de todos los sectores. Utilizar patrones preparados y ...

Back Pressure in Flowmeters: Causes and Solutions

Back Pressure in Flowmeters: Causes and Solutions If you use a flowmeter to measure flow rate you must consider the effect of back pressure. In some processes sufficient back pressure will exceed maximum operating pressure causing some component o...

Autoclaves Una selec

Autoclaves Una selección de autoclaves y accesorios para la preparación de medios y la esterilización de residuos. Autoclaves Racks & boxes Indicators Loggers Sterilisation pouches Waste disposable bags"Autoclaves Una selección de autoclaves y acc...
1 - 16 of 875