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52  results were found

Corning 3D cell culture solutions: break the 3D barrier

Corning 3D cell culture solutions: break the 3D barrier Why is 3D cell culture becoming so popular? Cells grown in 3D more closely mimic in vivo behavior in tissues and organs than cells grown in a 2D culture model. 3D cell culture environments cr...


Permeable Supports Selection Guide Including Transwell® and Falcon® Cell Culture Inserts 2 About Corning® Permeable Supports Permeable supports also known as cell culture inserts are an essential tool for the study of both anchorage-dependent and ...

Cell Culture

Cell Culture Cell Culture for Analysis is the process of growing cells under controlled conditions in an artificial environment providing excellent models for studying the normal physiology and biochemistry of the cells. Break the 3D Barrier with ...

Cell Culture Plastic

Cell Culture Plasticware & Consumables All you need for cell culture! Surface treated plasticware for adherent cell growth. Also available with biological coatings or untreated for suspension cells. Cell Scrapers Centrifuge Tube Racks Centrifuge T...

Cell Culture Plasticware & Consumables

Cell Culture Plasticware & Consumables All you need for cell culture! Surface treated plasticware for adherent cell growth. Also available with biological coatings or untreated for suspension cells. Cell Scrapers Centrifuge Tube Racks Centrifuge T...

Análisis de la demanda química de oxígeno (DQO)

Análisis de la demanda química de oxígeno (DQO) La demanda química de oxígeno (DQO) del agua viene determinada por el método de dicromato después de la digestión. VWR ofrece dos soluciones para medir el DQO: Método rápido Método oficial Método ráp...

Permeable supports/Inserts

Permeable supports/Inserts Featured Solutions Corning Permeable Supports create in vivo-like conditions for co-culturing specialized cell types. They are an essential tool for the study of both anchorage-dependent and independent cell lines. More ...

Featured Cell Biology Solutions

Featured Cell Biology Solutions From Cell to Therapy Solutions for your entire workflow – from basic research to biopharma production. Tools and services to accelerate your research & development. Meet Revolve the new hybrid microscope The Revolve...

Complete Workflow Solutions for 3D Cell Culture

Complete Workflow Solutions for 3D Cell Culture Webinar Tuesday 2nd November 2021 2:00 to 3:00 pm EST Register Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Although traditional 2D cell culture models are still very useful for...

Complete Workflow So

Complete Workflow Solutions for 3D Cell Culture Webinar Tuesday 2nd November 2021 2:00 to 3:00 pm EST Register Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Although traditional 2D cell culture models are still very useful for...

3D Plates

3D Plates Featured Solutions Corning Spheroid Microplate is ideal for generating and analysing 3D spheroids in the same microplate. Imaging plates with high optical quality are ideal for performing high content cell-based assays using imaging syst...

ECMs & Coatings

ECMs & Coatings Featured Solutions Cells behave better on Corning Matrigel matrix - the original trusted extracellular matrix (ECM). The natural ECM-based hydrogel is among the most widely used models for 2D and 3D cell culture in vitro. More info...


INNOVATION FOR SUCCESS… … we make it accessible for you! In this magazine you will find a collection of technical articles regarding innovations expertise and solutions that will help you to succeed in your life science challenges when working on ...

Featured Life Science Solutions & Suppliers

Featured Life Science Solutions & Suppliers Cell Biology From Cell to Therapy Solutions for your entire workflow – from basic research to biopharma production. Tools and services to accelerate your research & development. Meet Revolve the new hybr...

PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation ©2015 For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Trademarks mentioned herein are property of Molecular Devices LLC or their respective owners. High-Throughput Assays for Characterizing the Viability and Mo...

Guía de selección de

Guía de selección de tubos Utilice la «Guía de selección de tubos» a continuación que le ayudará a seleccionar los tubos apropiados para su aplicación. La guía de compatibilidad con productos químicos y el resumen de resistencia a productos químic...
33 - 48 of 52