Esta buscando: Incubadores de CO\u2082
2 110 results were found
Appl Sartoclear Dynamics Lab Sf9 Insect Cells SL 1
Application Note November 30 2017 Find out more: Reducing sample preparation time from Sf9 insect cultures by using Sartoclear Dynamics® Lab John Cashman Department of Biology & Biochemistry University of ...
Imaging solutions to answer your biological questions Stunning images fast throughput powerful analysis www.moleculardevices.com2 ImageXpress Pico Automated Cell Imaging System SpectraMax® i3x Multi-Mode Microplate Reader ImageXpress Nano Automate...
Permeable supports/Inserts
Permeable supports/Inserts Featured Solutions Corning Permeable Supports create in vivo-like conditions for co-culturing specialized cell types. They are an essential tool for the study of both anchorage-dependent and independent cell lines. More ...
Achieving Rapid LC-MS Analyses Using Avantor® ACE® HTP-MS Columns
Achieving Rapid LC-MS Analyses Using Avantor® ACE® HTP-MS Columns Webinar Thursday 24th February 2022 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Achieving fast LC analyses is ...
Understanding monocl
Understanding monoclonal antibody aggregate behaviour impacting chromatographic process efficiency Webinar On demand Replay As titer from upstream increases capacity of the resins is more of important factor to drive process efficiency and impurit...
Moving forward. Together.
Moving forward. Together. So much has changed during this unprecedented time except your ability to count on Avantor. We continue to set science in motion to create a better world by providing you with the right solutions to keep moving forward. C...
brochure BRAND Inserts
High flexibility – to be used as a hanging or standing insert Easy to use and efficient in your cell culture lab cellGrade™ plus treated membranes for improved cell attachment and growth Genuine innovat ion for ce l l cu l ture BRAND Inser ts N E ...
Cell Biology Cells a
Cell Biology Cells are the fundamental unit of life. That’s why when you are focused on cell biology you need a supplier who can provide all the tools products and supplies you need to keep your lab functioning at its peak. You can be concerned wi...
CO2 Incubator & safe cultivation tools
CO2 Incubator & safe cultivation tools Featured Solutions The Heracell™ VIOS series has been designed for sensitive cultures such as stem and primary cells. Cell culture contamination is a concern for any lab so protect your cultures with the opti...
Understanding monoclonal antibody aggregate behaviour impacting chromatographic process efficiency
Understanding monoclonal antibody aggregate behaviour impacting chromatographic process efficiency Webinar On demand Replay As titer from upstream increases capacity of the resins is more of important factor to drive process efficiency and impurit...
Cell Biology: Suppliers, Products, & Resources
Cell Biology Cells are the fundamental unit of life. That’s why when you are focused on cell biology you need a supplier who can provide all the tools products and supplies you need to keep your lab functioning at its peak. You can be concerned wi...
Cell Culture
Cell Culture Cell Culture for Analysis is the process of growing cells under controlled conditions in an artificial environment providing excellent models for studying the normal physiology and biochemistry of the cells. Break the 3D Barrier with ...
TransIT-X2® for CRIS
TransIT-X2® for CRISPR/Cas9 Delivery The CRISPR/Cas9 system has emerged as a powerful tool for genome editing in mammalian cells and allows researchers to generate genetic variants with higher throughput than alternative methods like zinc finger n...
Declaración de Privacidad de Datos Comerciales de Avantor
Declaración de Privacidad de Datos Comerciales de Avantor Última actualización: 30 de abril de 2021 Su privacidad es importante para usted y en consecuencia es importante para Avantor. La presente Declaración de Privacidad de Datos Comerciales a l...
Declaración de Privacidad de Datos Comerciales de Avantor
Declaración de Privacidad de Datos Comerciales de Avantor Última actualización: 30 de marzo de 2023 Su privacidad es importante para usted y en consecuencia es importante para Avantor. La presente Declaración de Privacidad de Datos Comerciales a l...
Whatman™ Filtros para el Análisis de Agua, Aire y Suelos
Whatman™ Filtros para el Análisis de Agua Aire y Suelos Obtener resultados precisos y fiables en análisis de aire agua y suelos es vital para el control mediambiental. GE sabe que la filtración debe ser eficiente reproducible y que se ha de preser...
33 - 48 of 2 110