Esta buscando: Thermo+Scientific
418 results were found
Thermo Scientific Literature
Thermo Scientific Literature"Thermo Scientific Literature
Thermo Scientific Promotions
Thermo Scientific Promotions"Thermo Scientific Promotions
Productos químicos Thermo Scientific
Productos químicos Thermo Scientific La marca Thermo Scientific™ofrece una amplia gama de productos químicos reactivos funcionales bloques constructivos orgánicos metales y reactivos para las ciencias de la vida destinados al I+D y el control de c...
High-quality labware
High-quality labware for use in clinical laboratories Introducing the Samco Clicktainer Vial Thermo Scientific understands the value of patient samples. Sample collection needs to be easy. Sample transport needs to be secure. The Thermo Scientific...
Puntas de automatización para sistemas de manipulación de líquidos
Consumibles para automatización Con cientos de puntas para automatización de Thermo Scientific™ diseñadas para acoplarse en más de 50 estaciones de trabajo y variaciones de cabezales de pipeteado estamos convencidos de que encontrará las puntas qu...
Thermo Scientific restriction enzymes
Thermo Scientific restriction enzymes The Great Double Digest Day Double Digest your DNA in only 5-15 minutes with one buffer and load directly onto your gel with 176 Thermo Scientific FastDigest Enzymes. Restriction digestion gets easy Thermo Sci...
From Culture to Discovery
From Culture to Discovery Ensure the most flexible reproducible and reliable results across every stage of cell culture. From culture to cell modification analysis and cryopreservation storage Thermo ScientificTM Nalgene™ and Nunc™ cell culture pr...
Guard against contamination with rapid, sterile filtration
Guard against contamination with rapid sterile filtration Thermo Scientific Nalgene Syringe Filter Sample Program The Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Syringe Filters are built to meet your laboratory’s clarification and sterilization needs. They are a...
High-quality labware for use in clinical laboratories
High-quality labware for use in clinical laboratories Introducing the Samco Clicktainer Vial Thermo Scientific understands the value of patient samples. Sample collection needs to be easy. Sample transport needs to be secure. The Thermo Scientific...
Select the Right Surface for Your ImmunoAssay
Select the Right Surface for Your ImmunoAssay Surface Matters Find valuable information about products relating to passive binding surfaces for biomacromolecules covalent coupling surfaces for smaller biomolecules and affinity capture surface for ...
Select the Right Sur
Select the Right Surface for Your ImmunoAssay Surface Matters Find valuable information about products relating to passive binding surfaces for biomacromolecules covalent coupling surfaces for smaller biomolecules and affinity capture surface for ...
Thermo Scientific Molecular Biology selection
Thermo Scientific Molecular Biology selection Top customer picks. Making a difference in labs worldwide Thermo Scientific™ molecular biology tools are used by researchers worldwide. From quality high-fidelity or Taq DNA polymerases simple and fast...
Quality Containers f
Quality Containers for Environmental Sample Collection Transport and Preservation Thermo Scientific Environmental Sample Containers are produced in our ISO 9001 registered manufacturing facilities in the USA. All of our processes – from design to ...
Quality Containers for Environmental Sample Collection, Transport and Preservation
Quality Containers for Environmental Sample Collection Transport and Preservation Thermo Scientific Environmental Sample Containers are produced in our ISO 9001 registered manufacturing facilities in the USA. All of our processes – from design to ...
Thermo Scientific Plastics for the Laboratory and Field
Thermo Scientific Plastics for the Laboratory and Field LIMITED TIME OFFER – Buy 3 Get 1 Free! Buy three packs of select Thermo Scientific™ Samco™ Transfer Pipettes Nalgene™ Volumetric and Erlenmeyer Flasks or Nunc™ Inoculating Loops and Needles a...
Thermo Scientific Li
Thermo Scientific Literature"Thermo Scientific Literature
1 - 16 of 418