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Descripción: Chief ingredient of Giemsa Stain.

Numero del catalogo: (200239-25G)
Descripción: Azure B eosinate, Sigma-Aldrich®
UOM: 1 * 25 g

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Numero del catalogo: (200212-25G)
Descripción: Azure A eosinate, powder, crystals or chunks, Sigma-Aldrich®
UOM: 1 * 25 g

Descripción: The combination of azure A and silver staining is used for the quantification of glycosaminoglycans in agarose gels. It is also used for the staining of chromosomes in the nucleus. Azure A is a main component of the azure B/polychromed methylene blue-eosin stains family, also referred to as the Romanowsky stain. Azure A is a basic cationic dye.

Descripción: Giemsa stain is a versatile differential stain that is widely used in hematology for blood and bone marrow specimens, clinical cytology specimens, bacteriology, histological biopsies, and tumor samples. Giemsa's staining solution is composed of methylene blue, azure, and eosin. It is a major histological stain due to its unique staining of chromatin, nuclear membranes, and cytoplasmic elements. The stain is frequently used in combination with other dye solutions: May-Grünwald’s solution for Pappenheim (MGG) and Wright-Giemsa.
Numero del catalogo: (205435-25G)
Descripción: May-Grünwald stain is a Romanowsky neutraldye stain based on the combination ofmethylene blue azures as the basic dyecomponent and eosin as the acid dyecomponent.It is intended for use in staining blood films orbone marrow films. It is used routinely for diagnostic purposes in hematology.
UOM: 1 * 25 g

Numero del catalogo: (GS1L-1L)
Descripción: When blood films are stained using Giemsa Stain, the nucleus and cytoplasm of white blood cells take on characteristic blue or pink coloration. The use of purified eosin and thiazine dyes minimizes lot-to-lot variation.
UOM: 1 * 1 L


Descripción: Modified Giemsa stain may be used for the identification of each human chromosome by differentials staining.

Proveedor: Avantor
Descripción: GIEMSA's solution Azur-Eosine-methylene blue solution for microscopy (contains methanol).
Numero del catalogo: (GS500-500ML)
Descripción: When blood films are stained using Giemsa Stain, the nucleus and cytoplasm of white blood cells take on characteristic blue or pink coloration. The use of purified eosin and thiazine dyes minimizes lot-to-lot variation.
UOM: 1 * 500 mL

Descripción: Certified for Giemsa stain for blood films and for the Wolbach′s Giemsa method for paraffin sections. Giemsa is a versatile polychromatic stain, which is suitable for staining a diverse range of specimens. It is a buffered thiazine-eosinate solution designed to provide coloration of blood cells. Giemsa’s stain is frequently used for diagnostic purposes in hematology to differentiate the nuclear and cytoplasmic morphology of platelets, RBCs, WBCs, and parasites. It is frequently used in combination with other dye solutions as May-Grunwald’s solution for Pappenheim (MGG) and Wright-Giemsa. The Giemsa stain was adapted to histology due to its unique staining of chromatin, nuclear membranes, and cytoplasmic elements. Giemsa′s staining solution is composed of methylene blue, azure, and eosin.

Descripción: Azure A is a basic cationic dye. The combination of azure A and silver staining is used for the quantification of glycosaminoglycans in agarose gels. It is also used for the staining of chromosomes in the nucleus. It is a main component of the azure B/polychromed methylene blue – eosin stains family, also referred to as the Romanowsky stain.

Proveedor: MP Biomedicals
Descripción: Eosin Y disodium salt is used in combination with Azure II to show morphological details of marrow cells; buffered Azure A/Eosin Y method for demostrating cell granules, microorganisms and nuclei; for showing insect musculature; for demonstrating cells infected with mosquito-iridescent virus; use in combination with Alum Hematoxylin/Azure II to show mast cells, early necrobiotic changes in cells and protozoans, rickettsias and bacteria in tissues; to demonstrate volutin granules in any microorganism; Bond's modification of Mann's Eosin-Methyl Blue for Negri bodies in smears; Harris stain for Negri bodies in smears; Mann's method for staining Negri bodies in sections; Gridley's stain for Endamoeba in tissue sections; a modified methenamine-silver nitrate method for the demonstration of Endamoeba in sections. It is used as a counterstain for hematoxylin.

Numero del catalogo: (GS128-4L)
Descripción: Giemsa tincione, Sigma-Aldrich®
UOM: 1 * 4 L

Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: The Giemsa’s Azure Eosin Methylene Blue solution can be used for the staining of blood and bone marrow smears, paraffin sections and clinical-cytological specimens.
Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Giemsa's staining is one of the standard procedures in histology, hematology, cytology and bacteriology. The Giemsa's azur-eosin-methylene blue dye is a dry dye that is used for the preparation of a staining solution. This solution can be used for the staining of blood and bone marrow smears, paraffin sections, spirochaets and clinical-cytological specimens of human origin.
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