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Numero del catalogo: (1.89332.5000)
Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Optipur® materials are inorganic compounds, primarily metal halides, and available as anhydrous powders, beads or pieces for immediate usability and easy handling. They are of the highest purity, and specifically suited for the production of single crystals, used in demanding optical applications or scintillators, for example medical imaging and radiation detection.
UOM: 1 * 5 kg

Numero del catalogo: (1.07386.9010)
Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Optipur® materials are inorganic compounds, primarily metal halides, and available as anhydrous powders, beads or pieces for immediate usability and easy handling. They are of the highest purity, and specifically suited for the production of single crystals, used in demanding optical applications or scintillators, for example medical imaging and radiation detection.
UOM: 1 * 10 kg

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Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Optipur® materials are inorganic compounds, primarily metal halides, and available as anhydrous powders, beads or pieces for immediate usability and easy handling. They are of the highest purity, and specifically suited for the production of single crystals, used in demanding optical applications or scintillators, for example medical imaging and radiation detection.

Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Optipur® materials are inorganic compounds, primarily metal halides, and available as anhydrous powders, beads or pieces for immediate usability and easy handling. They are of the highest purity, and specifically suited for the production of single crystals, used in demanding optical applications or scintillators, for example medical imaging and radiation detection.

Numero del catalogo: (1.05689.2500)
Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Optipur® materials are inorganic compounds, primarily metal halides, and available as anhydrous powders, beads or pieces for immediate usability and easy handling. They are of the highest purity, and specifically suited for the production of single crystals, used in demanding optical applications or scintillators, for example medical imaging and radiation detection.
UOM: 1 * 2,5 kg

Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Optipur® materials are inorganic compounds, primarily metal halides, and available as anhydrous powders, beads or pieces for immediate usability and easy handling. They are of the highest purity, and specifically suited for the production of single crystals, used in demanding optical applications or scintillators, for example medical imaging and radiation detection.
Numero del catalogo: (1.89318.9020)
Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Optipur® materials are inorganic compounds, primarily metal halides, and available as anhydrous powders, beads or pieces for immediate usability and easy handling. They are of the highest purity, and specifically suited for the production of single crystals, used in demanding optical applications or scintillators, for example medical imaging and radiation detection.
UOM: 1 * 20 kg

Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Optipur® materials are inorganic compounds, primarily metal halides, and available as anhydrous powders, beads or pieces for immediate usability and easy handling. They are of the highest purity, and specifically suited for the production of single crystals, used in demanding optical applications or scintillators, for example medical imaging and radiation detection.

Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Optipur® materials are inorganic compounds, primarily metal halides, and available as anhydrous powders, beads or pieces for immediate usability and easy handling. They are of the highest purity, and specifically suited for the production of single crystals, used in demanding optical applications or scintillators, for example medical imaging and radiation detection.

Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Optipur® materials are inorganic compounds, primarily metal halides, and available as anhydrous powders, beads or pieces for immediate usability and easy handling. They are of the highest purity, and specifically suited for the production of single crystals, used in demanding optical applications or scintillators, for example medical imaging and radiation detection.

Numero del catalogo: (BDAM364356)
Proveedor: BD Medical
Descripción: Critical care syringes can be used to measure arterial blood gas, ionised calcium, ionised magnesium, as well as perform critical care tests.
UOM: 1 * 100 UN

Numero del catalogo: (BDAM400067)
Proveedor: BD Medical
Descripción: BD® offers NRFit™ blunt fill and blunt filter needles for your medication preparation needs.
UOM: 1 * 80 UN

Proveedor: BD Medical
Descripción: BD Vacutainer® blood collection needles have an advanced low-angle bevel design and are coated with silicone, a low friction lubricant, ensuring very gentle and smooth vein entry.

Proveedor: BD Medical
Descripción: De plástico, de color.

Proveedor: BD Medical
Descripción: BD Vacutainer® Flashback blood collection needles are multi-sample needles that provide instant confirmation of needle placement, through a unique visual flashback indication.

Proveedor: BD Medical
Descripción: Peripheral IV cannulae with injection port and obturator.

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El stock para este material es limitada pero puede estar disponible en un almacén cerca de usted. Por favor, asegúrese de que ha iniciado sesión en la web para que el stock disponible se puede mostrar. Si el call sigue apareciendo y usted necesita ayuda, por favor llámenos al 902 222 897 o por email en
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