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Numero del catalogo: (EDVO274)
Proveedor: EDVOTEK
Descripción: Infectious mononucleosis is commonly known as the 'kissing disease'. The causative agent is Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which can be transmitted through saliva during kissing. In this experiment, students search for the presence of EBV using the ELISA reaction to detect specific viral proteins.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN


Proveedor: Thermo Scientific
Descripción: Tris-(hidroximetil) aminometano (TRIS, Trometamol) 99.9% para biología molecular

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Numero del catalogo: (EDVO282)
Proveedor: EDVOTEK
Descripción: This easy and safe experiment allows students to learn about enzyme catalysis, the nature of enzyme action, and protein structure-function relationship. Students will perform an enzyme assay and determine the rate of the enzymatic reaction.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Proveedor: Thermo Scientific
Descripción: Ammonium acetate is used for routine precipitation of nucleic acids, and is especially useful for reducing the coprecipitation of unwanted dNTPs and contaminating oligosaccharides.

Numero del catalogo: (EDVO986)
Proveedor: EDVOTEK
Descripción: Observe the differences between mammalian cell types and how these cells funciton. Cells are fixed on microscope slides and students stain the cells on the slide to view morphological characteristics of the cell types. These cells are very safe for classroom use.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Descripción: Fenol : Cloroformo : Alcohol isoamílico (25:24:1) saturated with 100 mM Tris-EDTA to pH 8.0 estabilizado para biología molecular DNase-, RNase-, protease-free pH 7.8-8.2
Numero del catalogo: (EDVO953)
Proveedor: EDVOTEK
Descripción: Drinking water is routinely tested for contamination. If a screening tests positive, more sophisticated tests are required. One such test uses PCR in multiplex format. In this experiment, students test for the presence of three separate, classroom-safe organisms in a water sample using a single PCR reaction.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (EDVO141)
Proveedor: EDVOTEK
Descripción: Cancer cells differ from normal cells by the combinations of proteins that are present on their surfaces. Antibodies against these proteins will specifically bind to cancer cells and not to normal cells. This allows early detection of cancer and potentially a way of delivering cancer therapies. In this simulation experiment the reaction of cancer cell markers and their corresponding antigens are demonstrated.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN


Numero del catalogo: (EDVOS-70)
Proveedor: EDVOTEK
Descripción: The body defends itself from attack by infectious agents like bacteria and viruses by producing antibodies. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) test for antibodies present in the blood, which indicate infection. In this experiment, students perform a simulated ELISA test to identify infected samples and compare them to control samples.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN


Numero del catalogo: (BE-401)
Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: The physical properties of proteins kit is a lab activity that enables students to investigate the physical properties of several different proteins. Students will learn about protein solubility and how it is affected by various parameters; including temperature, pH, salt and dielectric constant. They will understand about protein precipitation due to pH, high salt and in the presence of organic solvents and about protein denaturation as a result of high temperature. In addition, the kit will demonstrate how non-protein agents, such as detergents drastically alter the physical properties of protein molecules and as a result, understand the importance of detergents in protein solubilisation. This lab activity involves analysis of three different types of pure proteins and then students alter some of those properties with a detergent and re-examine physical properties of those proteins. Students are challenged to consider how physical properties of protein molecules can be exploited for purification and characterisation of proteins and apply their findings on a test sample of complex tissue extract.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Numero del catalogo: (EDVO235)
Proveedor: EDVOTEK
Descripción: Microarray technology allows scientists to screen large numbers of samples in one assay. This technology allows high-throughput screening of small samples and allows comparisons to be made between healthy and unhealthy tissues. In this experiment, students apply simulated DNA and RNA samples to a membrane to screen for positive and negative samples.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Proveedor: Avantor
Descripción: For liquid chromatography and molecular biology applications.
Numero del catalogo: (EDVO957)
Proveedor: EDVOTEK
Descripción: Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, cada año se producen en todo el mundo entre 2 y 3 millones de casos de cáncer de piel. Muchos de estos casos se deben a daños evitables en el ADN causados ​​por la luz ultravioleta. En este experimento, los estudiantes exponen el ADN plasmídico a la luz ultravioleta de onda corta para simular el efecto de tomar el sol. A continuación, se analiza el ADN mediante electroforesis en gel de agarosa para observar el daño.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Numero del catalogo: (EDVOS-68)
Proveedor: EDVOTEK
Descripción: Infectious agents such as bacteria and viruses can spread rapidly through a population and cause widespready disease and death. In this experiment, students use coloured solutions to simulate the spreading of a disease in the classroom.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: Avantor
Descripción: For liquid chromatography and molecular biology applications. Lot analysis on label.
Numero del catalogo: (33600.267)
Proveedor: VWR Chemicals
Descripción: EDTA sal disódica dihidrato ≥99%, Gen-Apex para biología molecular
UOM: 1 * 500 g

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