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Numero del catalogo: (EBRO1340-2470)
Proveedor: EBRO
Descripción: The easy-to-use software products are suitable for programming and read-out of Ebro® data loggers as well as for the evaluation of the measured values. For routine checks and validation.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (MFLX78002-92)
Proveedor: Avantor Fluid Handling
Descripción: Stand-alone process operation. No need for a PC.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

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Numero del catalogo: (BRDY149191)
Proveedor: Brady
Descripción: When you need to create product-identification and wire-marking labels, the product and wire identification suite is helpful to give solution.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: Brady
Descripción: Workstation print partner suite is a package of the Workstation print partner application and Advanced Import and Sequence extensions in a single bundle.

Proveedor: Testo
Descripción: Software, ComSoft Professional 4, Para: testo 174, testo 175, testo 176, testo 184

Proveedor: EBRO
Descripción: The easy-to-use software products are suitable for programming and read-out of Ebro® data loggers as well as for the evaluation of the measured values. Supports: data loggers EBI 25 series, MODBUS IP devices. Professional version for multiple users.

Numero del catalogo: (SARBYSW02)
Proveedor: Sartorius Balances
Descripción: Sartorius wedge is a software package designed to capture data from aartorius devices into windows applications, specifically microsoft excel.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (VWRC33605.297_D)
Proveedor: VWR Chemicals
Descripción: Cesio cloruro ≥99.99%, Gen-Apex, grado alta pureza para biología molecular
UOM: 1 * 1 kg


Numero del catalogo: (BRDY149200)
Proveedor: Brady
Descripción: Keep your facility safe and compliant with the safety and facility identification suite. This group of apps makes it easy to create custom signs, labels and pipemarkers.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (630-3433)
Descripción: The AirTeach software bundle allows users to digitally share microscopy images from various microscope sources. Students are more engaged and inspired in an interactive learning environment that makes sharing and comparing of results fun for everyone.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Descripción: This SkanIt Software upgrade package is specifically designed for Thermo Scientific Fluoroskan, Fluoroskan FL, and Luminoskan microplate readers to enable the use of SkanIt software and USB connection between instrument and PC. The upgrade package is also compatible with the discontinued Fluoroskan Ascent, Fluoroskan Ascent FL, and Luminoskan Ascent microplate readers. SkanIt Software is available in two editions: a research edition for scientists working in life science research and a drug discovery edition with features for compliancy with FDA 21 CFR Part 11. Note: the upgrade package is compatible with Ascent instruments that are equipped with internal software version 2.6.

Proveedor: SI Analytics
Descripción: The TitriSoft 3.3 titration software is the optimum solution for your titration tasks. The software can be used with Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 and supports your daily work procedures during sample preparation, titration and evaluation of the results. The software has been developed to be clear, logical and user-friendly.

Proveedor: Syngene (a division of the Synoptics group)
Descripción: Dymension software can be used to analyse a typical 2D gel image rapidly. It features algorithms for background subtraction, noise filtering, precise alignment, spot detection, rapid matching and reduced image editing time. Using its powerful spot detection algorithm, Dymension instantly locates and analyses protein spots. With Dymension, the entire analysis process from background correction to spot matching results and reporting takes minutes. Dymension is available in three versions, and upgrading between the packages is simple.

Numero del catalogo: (BRDY149187)
Proveedor: Brady
Descripción: Save time and reduce errors with data Automation. By automatically importing data onto a pre-defined label template and printing to a designated printer, this app allows label printing to seamlessly become a part of your daily processes. It runs in the background so you won't have to interrupt your work just to print a label.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: Thermo Scientific
Descripción: Urea 99.5% para biología molecular DNase-, RNase-, protease-free


Numero del catalogo: (ACRO329860010)
Proveedor: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Descripción: Ácido cítrico, anhidro para biología molecular
UOM: 1 * 1 kg


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