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Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: Nickel chelating resin is an immobilised metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) resin that was specifically designed to utilise Ni²⁺ for the purification of nickel binding proteins, including 6x histidine tagged proteins.
Descripción: Renilla luciferase (Renilla Luc) is a bioluminescent reporter protein derived from Renilla reniformis (sea pansy). In the presence of the cofactor, coelenterazine, Renilla luciferase produces light. Renilla Luc mRNA can be used as an internal control in combination with FLuc mRNA to test different conditions, such as dosage or chemical modifications, and their effect on translation.

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Numero del catalogo: (BOSSBS-9551R-CY7)
Proveedor: Bioss
Descripción: BEND2 is a 799 amino acid protein that contains two BEN domains. BEND2 exists as two alternatively spliced isoforms and is considered a complete proteome. BEN domain mediates protein–DNA and protein–protein interactions during chromatin organization and transcription. BEN domain may play a role in organization of viral DNA during replication or transcription. The BEND2 gene maps to human chromosome Xp22.13. Chromosome X consists of about 153 million base pairs and nearly 1,000 genes. The X and Y chromosomes are the human sex chromosomes. The combination of an X and Y chromosome lead to normal male development while two copies of X lead to normal female development. Color blindness, hemophilia, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy are well known X chromosome-linked conditions which affect males more frequently as males carry a single X chromosome.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Numero del catalogo: (BOSSBS-9551R-A350)
Proveedor: Bioss
Descripción: BEND2 is a 799 amino acid protein that contains two BEN domains. BEND2 exists as two alternatively spliced isoforms and is considered a complete proteome. BEN domain mediates protein–DNA and protein–protein interactions during chromatin organization and transcription. BEN domain may play a role in organization of viral DNA during replication or transcription. The BEND2 gene maps to human chromosome Xp22.13. Chromosome X consists of about 153 million base pairs and nearly 1,000 genes. The X and Y chromosomes are the human sex chromosomes. The combination of an X and Y chromosome lead to normal male development while two copies of X lead to normal female development. Color blindness, hemophilia, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy are well known X chromosome-linked conditions which affect males more frequently as males carry a single X chromosome.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Numero del catalogo: (BOSSBS-9551R-CY3)
Proveedor: Bioss
Descripción: BEND2 is a 799 amino acid protein that contains two BEN domains. BEND2 exists as two alternatively spliced isoforms and is considered a complete proteome. BEN domain mediates protein–DNA and protein–protein interactions during chromatin organization and transcription. BEN domain may play a role in organization of viral DNA during replication or transcription. The BEND2 gene maps to human chromosome Xp22.13. Chromosome X consists of about 153 million base pairs and nearly 1,000 genes. The X and Y chromosomes are the human sex chromosomes. The combination of an X and Y chromosome lead to normal male development while two copies of X lead to normal female development. Color blindness, hemophilia, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy are well known X chromosome-linked conditions which affect males more frequently as males carry a single X chromosome.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Numero del catalogo: (BOSSBS-8438R-A647)
Proveedor: Bioss
Descripción: BEND4 is a 530 amino acid protein that contains a BEN domain. BEND4 exists as five alternatively spiced isoforms and is considered a complete proteome. BEN domain mediates protein–DNA and protein–protein interactions during chromatin organization and transcription. BEN domain may play a role in organization of viral DNA during replication or transcription. The BEND4 gene maps to human chromosome 4p13. Representing approximately 6% of the human genome, chromosome 4 contains nearly 900 genes. Chromosome 4 reportedly contains the largest gene deserts (regions of the genome with no protein encoding genes) and has one of the two lowest recombination frequencies of the human chromosomes. Notably, the Huntingtin gene, which is found to encode an expanded glutamine tract in cases of Huntington's disease, is on chromosome 4. FGFR-3 is also encoded on chromosome 4 and has been associated with thanatophoric dwarfism, achondroplasia, Muenke syndrome and bladder cancer.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: This avidin resin is designed for the single step small and large scale affinity purification of proteins and antibodies with a biotin tag. The resin can also be used for immunoprecipitations using biotin labelled antibodies.

Descripción: <p>mCherry mRNA encodes the fluorescent protein, mCherry, which is derived from DsRed, a protein found in <em>Discosoma </em>sp. mCherry is a monomeric fluorophore with a peak absorption at 587 nm and emission at 610 nm. It is stable and resistant to photobleaching.</p>

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Descripción: NLS-Cre Recombinase mRNA is a capped and polyadenylated messenger RNA encoding Cre recombinase fused to a nuclear localisation sequence (NLS). Cre recombinase is a tyrosine recombinase that catalyses recombination between two loxP sites.

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Descripción: <p>Cas9 mRNA expresses a version of the <em>Streptococcus pyogenes </em>SF370 Cas9 protein (CRISPR Associated Protein 9). Cas9 functions as part of the CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) genome editing system. In the CRISPR system, an RNA guide sequence targets the site of interest and the Cas9 protein is employed to perform double-stranded DNA cleavage.</p>

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Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: This sulphhydryl coupling resin is designed for coupling of peptides and proteins to a solid 6% agarose support through free sulfhydryl groups (-SH). The iodoacetyl groups of the sulfhydryl coupling resin specifically react with free sulfhydryls to form covalent, permanent thioether bonds.

Numero del catalogo: (BOSSBS-3696R-CY3)
Proveedor: Bioss
Descripción: A chromosomal aberration involving MLLT10 is associated with acute leukemias. Translocation t(10;11)(p12;q23) with MLL/HRX. The result is a rogue activator protein.A chromosomal aberration involving MLLT10 is associated with diffuse histiocytic lymphomas. Translocation t(10;11)(p13;q14) with PICALM.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Numero del catalogo: (BOSSBS-9551R-HRP)
Proveedor: Bioss
Descripción: BEND2 is a 799 amino acid protein that contains two BEN domains. BEND2 exists as two alternatively spliced isoforms and is considered a complete proteome. BEN domain mediates protein–DNA and protein–protein interactions during chromatin organization and transcription. BEN domain may play a role in organization of viral DNA during replication or transcription. The BEND2 gene maps to human chromosome Xp22.13. Chromosome X consists of about 153 million base pairs and nearly 1,000 genes. The X and Y chromosomes are the human sex chromosomes. The combination of an X and Y chromosome lead to normal male development while two copies of X lead to normal female development. Color blindness, hemophilia, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy are well known X chromosome-linked conditions which affect males more frequently as males carry a single X chromosome.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Numero del catalogo: (BOSSBS-3696R-A647)
Proveedor: Bioss
Descripción: A chromosomal aberration involving MLLT10 is associated with acute leukemias. Translocation t(10;11)(p12;q23) with MLL/HRX. The result is a rogue activator protein.A chromosomal aberration involving MLLT10 is associated with diffuse histiocytic lymphomas. Translocation t(10;11)(p13;q14) with PICALM.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Numero del catalogo: (BOSSBS-3696R-HRP)
Proveedor: Bioss
Descripción: A chromosomal aberration involving MLLT10 is associated with acute leukemias. Translocation t(10;11)(p12;q23) with MLL/HRX. The result is a rogue activator protein.A chromosomal aberration involving MLLT10 is associated with diffuse histiocytic lymphomas. Translocation t(10;11)(p13;q14) with PICALM.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Numero del catalogo: (BOSSBS-9551R)
Proveedor: Bioss
Descripción: BEND2 is a 799 amino acid protein that contains two BEN domains. BEND2 exists as two alternatively spliced isoforms and is considered a complete proteome. BEN domain mediates protein–DNA and protein–protein interactions during chromatin organization and transcription. BEN domain may play a role in organization of viral DNA during replication or transcription. The BEND2 gene maps to human chromosome Xp22.13. Chromosome X consists of about 153 million base pairs and nearly 1,000 genes. The X and Y chromosomes are the human sex chromosomes. The combination of an X and Y chromosome lead to normal male development while two copies of X lead to normal female development. Color blindness, hemophilia, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy are well known X chromosome-linked conditions which affect males more frequently as males carry a single X chromosome.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

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