Esta buscando: Termómetros digitales

Precisely monitor temperatures in freezers, water baths, heating blocks, incubators, and refrigerators with these digital thermometers. Digital displays are simple to read and also deliver the highest and lowest temperature readings. Waterproof models are ideal for wet labs, wash-down areas, and field applications. Temperatures may be switched to °C or °F, and all models are incredibly versatile and easy to recalibrate. Units boast extreme temperature ranges and update readings in set short intervals.

Precisely monitor temperatures in freezers, water baths, heating blocks, incubators, and refrigerators with these digital thermometers. Digital displays are simple to read and also deliver the highest and lowest temperature readings. Waterproof models are ideal for wet labs, wash-down areas, and field applications. Temperatures may be switched to °C or °F, and all models are incredibly versatile and easy to recalibrate. Units boast extreme temperature ranges and update readings in set short intervals.

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Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: These digital thermometers are designed for monitoring temperatures in refrigerators, freezers, water baths, heating blocks and incubators. Bottle probes are used in monitoring storage conditions for vaccines or other important samples.

Numero del catalogo: (620-1963)
Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: El lector de tarjetas de memoria (incluido) se conecta a cualquier puerto USB para ofrecer un informe en el acto. El informe con formato de texto incluye la fecha, la hora y las lecturas del sensor.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

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Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: These ready to use thermometers, with probe, are designed for temperature measurements which require high accuracy. They can be used for general purpose applications in air, gas, liquid and solids measurements, depending on the probe type. They are suitable for use in pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies (production and laboratories in the food industry), dairy products, fish, meat, healthcare, blood, government institutes and the environment.

Numero del catalogo: (620-1662)
Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: This thermometer, with timer, is designed to monitor liquids, air, gas or semi-solids. The metal probe may be placed in ovens and incubators making this unit ideal for use in these environments.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (620-2097)
Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Digital thermometer with stainless steel probe and handle with 3 metre cable. Versatile panel-mount module snaps into place or can be used as a stand-alone unit.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (620-1913)
Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Digital thermometer for refrigerators and freezers.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (620-1970)
Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: State-of-the-art aerospace technology delivers high platinum performance.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: These dual-probe thermometers give accurate readings of two separate areas in refrigerators/freezers. Allows putting one probe in a freezer and another in a refrigerator (or measure two areas of a refrigerator).

Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: These USB Traceable® excursion trac LN₂ data logging thermometers monitor the temperature in liquid nitrogen Dewars, covering cryogenic needs for sensitive, irreplaceable biological samples.

Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: These triple-display thermometers offer a choice of different probes. The bottle insulates the thermometer from rapid temperature changes when door is opened. The stainless steel handle probe (Ø×L: 3,2×300 mm) with 3 metre cable is waterproof and suitable for liquids, air/gas and semi-solids, with adjustable holder and VELCRO® tape.

Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Termómetros de registro de datos con intervalos de tiempo definidos por el usuario. Idóneos para monitorizar la temperatura en refrigeradores, congeladores, baños de agua, bloques calefactores e incubadoras.

Numero del catalogo: (620-2055)
Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Este termómetro de reducido tamaño pero de gran capacidad muestra lecturas en °F y °C. La sonda se puede usar para medir la temperatura de líquidos, aire/gases o semisólidos. Sonda exterior de acero inoxidable (L×Ø: 178 × 3,5 mm) con cable de 45 cm.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (620-2200)
Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Digital stem thermometer suitable for field studies, wet lab applications, wash-down areas, food testing and tanks.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: These NSF food certified thermometers are foldable, compact and easy to use. The fold-up stainless-steel probe permits ultimate portability and can position at any angle for measuring an assortment of meats, candy or cakes. The wide range covers 99 percent of routine temperature checks.

Numero del catalogo: (620-2426)
Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Data logging thermometer that can be used in 21 CFR 11 environments. Ideal for monitoring temperatures in refrigerators, freezers, water baths, heating blocks and incubators.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Termómetros de registro de datos con intervalos de tiempo definidos por el usuario. Idóneos para la monitorización de congeladores a temperaturas ultrabajas.

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