Esta buscando: Chlorophenol red sodium salt
184 results were found
Upstream processing for vaccines
Upstream processing for vaccines Optimal production of vaccines is achieved in mammalian expression and insect systems using cell lines that are anchorage-dependent or suspension enabled. For most vaccines optimal production is achieved in mammali...
Matrigel® Matrix, ECMs and Scaffolds
Matrigel® Matrix ECMs and Scaffolds Corning® Matrigel® Matrix— making 3D Cell Culture easier than ever. Corning Ultra-Low Attachment surface a unique hydrogel surface designed to prevent cell attachment inhibits specific and nonspecific immobiliza...
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern Application date: 03.04.2013 page 1 from 10 Determination of Kjeldahl- Nitrogen Application date: 03.04.2013 page 2 from 10 Use The method is suitable for samples which contents nitrate or protein....
Masterflex I/P Brushless Process Drive & Handling the Harsh Solutions in WasteWater Applications
Masterflex I/P Brushless Process Drive & Handling the Harsh Solutions in WasteWater Applications Handling the Harsh Solutions in WasteWater Applications Looking for a pump system to handle your water treatment process needs? Look no further Maste...
Suministros de producción
Suministros de producción VWR le ofrece productos y soluciones para proteger sus procesos y la integridad de sus productos tanto si trabaja en la producción farmacéutica o de alimentos y bebidas como en la producción electrónica de automoción de d...
Tubos de silicona de
Tubos de silicona de Masterflex Our silicone tubing comes in two formulations: peroxide- and platinum-cured. Both formulations share many characteristics such as FDA compliance and USP Class VI approvals temperature ratings and chemical compatibil...
ls ge29064277 20131210235846
imagination at work Application note 29-0642-77 AB Chromatography systems Purification of an N-terminal histidine-tagged protein using ÄKTA™ start ÄKTA start eliminates the hassles of manual protein purification handling such as loading large samp...
Downstream purification for mAbs
Downstream purification for mAbs Major processes including affinity ion exchange HIC and size exclusion require chromatography resins and process buffers. These products help ensure that the quality of the target mAb is maintained through each ste...
Ciencias biosanitarias y microbiología
Ciencias biosanitarias y microbiología La gama de VWR incluye una amplia selección de productos para proteómica genómica cultivo celular microbiología y mucho más. Todos estos productos están diseñados para ayudarle a explorar nuevas fronteras. Le...
Bombas peristálticas de las series Masterflex® Ismatec® Microflow
Bombas peristálticas de las series Masterflex® Ismatec® Microflow Microflujo alta precisión Control preciso al alcance de su mano en su laboratorio o proceso. Rango de caudal: 00001 a 365 ml/min Con tasas de caudal de 00001 a 365 ml/min las bombas...
Tubos de silicona de Masterflex
Tubos de silicona de Masterflex Our silicone tubing comes in two formulations: peroxide- and platinum-cured. Both formulations share many characteristics such as FDA compliance and USP Class VI approvals temperature ratings and chemical compatibil...
Productos químicos y cromatografía
Productos químicos y cromatografía Independientemente si realiza una filtración con papel básica o bien métodos avanzados de HPLC nuestra gama de VWR collection consta de productos químicos y consumibles de laboratorio de alta calidad para satisfa...
Bombas peristálticas
Bombas peristálticas de las series Masterflex® Ismatec® Microflow Microflujo alta precisión Control preciso al alcance de su mano en su laboratorio o proceso. Rango de caudal: 00001 a 365 ml/min Con tasas de caudal de 00001 a 365 ml/min las bombas...
PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint Presentation ©2015 For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Trademarks mentioned herein are property of Molecular Devices LLC or their respective owners. High-Throughput Assays for Characterizing the Viability and Mo...
Bombas peristálticas Masterflex® Series I/P | VWR
Bombas peristálticas Masterflex® I/P® Series Soluciones de bombeo de proceso Potentes bombas diseñadas para durar en entornos de proceso y producción desafiantes. Rango de fluido: 00006 a 26 LPM Bombas peristálticas Masterflex I/P Series cuentan c...
Antibiotics & Antimycotics
Antibiotics & Antimycotics Antibiotics and Antimycotics Antibiotics and Antimycotics are a type of antimicrobial drug used in the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections. They may either kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms. In sc...
97 - 112 of 184