599 results were found
Masterflex Easy-Load pump heads meet the demands of fluid transfer in a fermentation process analyzer
Masterflex Easy-Load pump heads meet the demands of fluid transfer in a fermentation process analyzer Cytosoft Inc. sells fermentation equipment. The companys equipment is perfect for monoclonal antibodies and bio-pesticide applications. The ID S...
Indicadores de tempe
Indicadores de temperatura y termómetros La medición de la temperatura es una de las principales mediciones que se realizan en el laboratorio. VWR ofrece toda una selección de termómetros desde termómetros de vidrio hasta los más sofisticados regi...
Registro y medición de temperatura
Registro y medición de temperatura La temperatura es una de las mediciones críticas que se realiza en el laboratorio. VWR ofrece toda una selección de termómetros desde termómetros de vidrio hasta los más sofisticados registradores de datos para u...
Cleanroom Computer A
Cleanroom Computer Accessories Since the keyboard is one of the areas in the cleanroom with the highest level of contamination and is very difficult to clean many users cover it with a protective foil. The specially developed keyboard for use in c...
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex I/P pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our I/P pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...
Sistema de bomba de llenado/acabado Masterflex® L/S® MasterSense™ con cabezal de bomba Masterflex® Ultrapharm™
Sistema de bomba de llenado/acabado Masterflex® L/S® MasterSense™ con cabezal de bomba Masterflex® Ultrapharm™ La precisión es fundamental cuando cada gota cuenta Masterflex® L/S® Sistema de bomba de llenado/acabado MasterSense™ con Masterflex® Ca...
VWR Part of Avantor
VWR Part of Avantor Carousel Domine sus procesos de gestión de fluidos con Masterflex® Toda la oferta de productos Masterflex® disponible en en Más - Domine sus procesos de gestión de fluidos con Masterflex® Filtración eficiente con el mín...
Almacenamiento en fr
Almacenamiento en frío Frigoríficos y congeladores de todos los tipos temperaturas y capacidades. Selección de productos Frigoríficos Los frigoríficos para laboratorio son de gran importancia para garantizar la precisión de la temperatura y la seg...
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern Application date: 14.5.2013 page 1 of 6 Titration of Indigo and Sodium hydrosulfite in Indigo Vat 40 Application date: 14.5.2013 page 2 of 6 Use Indigo is a so-called vat dye which means that it ne...
Cleanroom Computer Accessories
Cleanroom Computer Accessories Since the keyboard is one of the areas in the cleanroom with the highest level of contamination and is very difficult to clean many users cover it with a protective foil. The specially developed keyboard for use in c...
Designing Novel Fluid Sampling Systems for GMP Operations
Designing Novel Fluid Sampling Systems for GMP Operations Webinar On demand Replay Sampling is a requirement in every process step of biopharmaceutical manufacturing with an increasing demand on accuracy the closer it comes to final finish. The we...
Masterflex I/P Tubin
Masterflex I/P Tubing Options Achieve top performance from your Masterflex I/P pump heads when you use precision-extruded tubing. Tubing is manufactured to tight tolerances that match our I/P pump heads. Choose from precision tubing or high-perfor...
~~streamlining procurement and inventory management eu~~
Lean Six Sigma BuSineSS ProceSS conSuLting SucceSS Story Problem A biotechnology company was planning to relocate to a new headquarters to accommodate growth. As part of the move the company wanted to streamline tasks and increase effciency. Scien...
New Tubing Formulati
New Tubing Formulations and the Latest Pump Head Technology Provide For Highly Reliable Peristaltic Pump Systems Fiction: A common misconception regarding peristaltic pumps is that the tubing is a major failure point a maintenance headache for use...
Almacenamiento en frío
Almacenamiento en frío Frigoríficos y congeladores de todos los tipos temperaturas y capacidades. Frigoríficos Los frigoríficos para laboratorio son de gran importancia para garantizar la precisión de la temperatura y la seguridad cuando se utiliz...
Bottles and Accessor
Bottles and Accessories Made with the highest quality resins Nalgene™ bottles and closures are engineered to work together with a proprietary valve seal and a strong semi-buttress thread design. Our bottles offer a leakproof guarantee because we m...
65 - 80 of 599