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Esta buscando: texwipe+revolve

17  results were found

Soluciones más ecológicas para entornos controlados

Soluciones más ecológicas para entornos controlados La sala blanca es por naturaleza un entorno que supone un reto para la conciencia medioambiental. Utilizamos mucha energía y confiamos en artículos de un solo uso y envases adicionales para reduc...

Meet Revolve, the new hybrid microscope

Meet Revolve the new hybrid microscope The Revolve easily transforms between upright and inverted configurations and is more versatile than other systems in the market... The Revolve easily transforms between upright and inverted configurations an...

Cleanroom wipers and sustainability, a contradiction?

Cleanroom wipers and sustainability a contradiction? Webinar Friday 8th April 2022 11:00 to 12:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Is it possible to make the usage of cleanroom wipers more sustainable? By recycling? By improving the manufacturing ...

Redefiniendo la microscopia para la investigación en ciencias de la vida

Redefiniendo la microscopia para la investigación en ciencias de la vida Discover Echo ha sido fabricado en torno a una visión particular para repensar el diseño del microscopio tradicional. Cada aspecto del flujo de trabajo la usabilidad y las pr...

Meet Revolve, the new hybrid microscope

Meet Revolve the new hybrid microscope The Revolve easily transforms between upright and inverted configurations and is more versatile than other systems in the market. This hybrid microscope significantly reduces costs while freeing up valuable l...

Featured Cell Biology Solutions

Featured Cell Biology Solutions From Cell to Therapy Solutions for your entire workflow – from basic research to biopharma production. Tools and services to accelerate your research & development. Meet Revolve the new hybrid microscope The Revolve...

Meet Revolve and Rebel: The world's first, and only, hybrid microscopes

Meet Revolve and Rebel: The world's first and only hybrid microscopes Webinar Tuesday 2nd June 2020 11:00 to 12:00 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) PRESENTED IN ENGLISH Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Change the...

basan News

basan News Revista sobre producción 2023-24 Hojee esta publicación y conozca las tendencias y los consejos de los expertos para aplicaciones muy exigentes en sus entornos controlados y sobre seguridad para su personal y sus procesos. Soluciones pa...

~~cytobrochure article ITW Texwipe~~

37 | VWR CLEANING OF COMPOUNDING ASEPTIC ISOLATORS (CAIS) AND CLASS II BIOLOGICAL SAFETY CABINETS (BSCS) Overview Compounding Aseptic Isolators and Class II biological safety cabinets are used in hospital pharmacies and other dispensing facilities...

cytobrochure article ITW Texwipe

37 | VWR CLEANING OF COMPOUNDING ASEPTIC ISOLATORS (CAIS) AND CLASS II BIOLOGICAL SAFETY CABINETS (BSCS) Overview Compounding Aseptic Isolators and Class II biological safety cabinets are used in hospital pharmacies and other dispensing facilities...

Featured Life Science Solutions & Suppliers

Featured Life Science Solutions & Suppliers Cell Biology From Cell to Therapy Solutions for your entire workflow – from basic research to biopharma production. Tools and services to accelerate your research & development. Meet Revolve the new hybr...


News NEW! Shenandoah Biotechnology cytokines and growth factors Specialising in the manufacturing of recombinant proteins providing cytokines chemokines and growth factors... DNA sample collection cards – NEW! Ahlstrom-Munksjö specimen collection ...


Analysis Do you need a solid workhorse for your daily confluency check or more reproducible cell counting and viability data? Do you want to run an SDS page or are you trying to establish an ELISA? Whether you are interested in basic or more sophi...

Cleanroom Chairs and Cleanroom Stools

Cleanroom Chairs and Cleanroom Stools Various cleanroom chairs are available for the different applications. Our complete range of cleanroom chairs is excellently suited to cleanroom requirements. Their suitability has been checked and documented ...

Cell Imaging Systems & Microscopy

Cell Imaging Systems & Microscopy Featured Solutions Modern research requires high throughput high quality imaging. At its most basic this might require cell counting viability assays or marker expression analysis performed alongside standard fluo...

Equipment & instruments

Equipment & instruments Drying flammable and non-flammable solvents with vacuum ovens - practical tips for day-to-day applications Lothar Maresch Do you know what's in your laboratory water? Estelle Riche Optimising sample processing for secure co...
1 - 16 of 17