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Proveedor: MP Biomedicals
Descripción: Storage: Store at Room Temperature (15-30 °C), dessicate.
Ammonium persulfate is a strong oxidizing agent. It is a radical initiator.
Ammonium persulfate is a polymerization catalyst used with TEMED for polyacrylamide gel formation. APS has also been utilized to study protein-protein interactions via photoinitiated crosslinking chemistry. Other applications of APS include its use as a reducer and retarder in photography, the manufacture of aniline dyes, electroplating, the decolorizing and deodorizing of oils.

Proveedor: MP Biomedicals
Descripción: Storage: Room Temperature, desiccate.
Acrylamide is prepared on an industrial scale by the hydrolysis of acrylonitrile by nitrile hydratase.
Acrylamide is a monomer used in a variety of synthetic processes to form polymers and copolymers. It polymerizes in the presence of free radicals in aqueous solutions. It is usually used to prepare polyacrylamide gels for electrophoresis separation of biomolecules.
Acrylamide is an extremely hazardous substance in either the powder form or liquid form. Once polymerized, the polyacrylamide is considered safe to handle under normal laboratory conditions. Acrylic Acid Content -≤0.001%

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Numero del catalogo: (COBSD7-000)
Proveedor: Columbia Biosciences
Descripción: SureLight™ P3 is a proprietary dye can be used in prompt fluorescent detection, microplate applications, flow cytometry and protein microarrays.
UOM: 1 * 5 mg

Numero del catalogo: (648466-50)
Proveedor: Merck Millipore (Calbiochem‎)
Descripción: TRITON™ X-100, Grado biología molecular, Millipore®
UOM: 1 * 50 mL

FDS Certificados

Descripción: Upon interaction with phosphatases the colourless and non-fluorescent FDP is hydrolysed to highly fluorescent fluorescein, which exhibits excellent spectral properties that match the optimal detection window of most fluorescence instruments that are equipped with the Argon laser excitation.

Proveedor: Apollo Scientific
Descripción: Reagent for maintaining -SH groups in reduced state.


Proveedor: MP Biomedicals
Descripción: HEPES is a zwitterionic organic chemical buffering agent.
HEPES is widely used in many biochemical reactions and as a buffering agent in some cell culture media.

Numero del catalogo: (444-7016)
Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Ideal para aplicaciones de biología molecular, lisis celular mecánica y química, mezcla de muestras de tejido, mezcla de suspensiones citogenéticas y mezcla vorticial de suspensiones celulares. El agitador también es perfecto para emulsionar líquidos viscosos bipolares y mezclar líquidos en tubos de diámetro pequeño. Diseñado específicamente para la agitación y/o mezcla vorticial en modo temporizado o continuo. El agitador cuenta con un modo temporizado programable desde 1 segundo a 160 horas. La velocidad y el tiempo se pueden ajustar fácilmente con las flechas arriba/abajo del panel frontal.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Environmentally Preferable

Numero del catalogo: (OZBIGS21000)
Descripción: OZ Biosciences G418 sulphate is an aminoglycoside antibiotic identical to gentamicin B1 produced by Micromonospora rhodorangea.
UOM: 1 * 1 g

Numero del catalogo: (BE-501)
Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: This lab activity is designed to study highly specific lock-key matching properties of antigen-antibody and how this highly specific interaction can be exploited as a tool for research and analysis. This study involves the use of an immunodiffusion technique in which antigen and antibody are allowed to diffuse in a solid agarose medium. When antigen and antibody meet, antigen-antibody complex is formed, which leads to precipitation. Antigen-antibody precipitate is formed in the zone where the concentration of the two matching pairs reaches an optimal known as the zone of equivalence, which results in formation of a visible opaque precipitate region in agarose medium. Those regions of precipitation can be used for determination of concentration or titer of both antigen and antibody. This Antigen-Antibody Interaction kit is a hands-on study of both Ouchterlony Double Diffusion and Radial Immunodiffusion techniques. This kit also provides additional guidance materials for teaching other types of antigen-antibody interactions concepts such as immunoelectrophoresis and immunoprecipitation.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Numero del catalogo: (442611-500)
Proveedor: Merck Millipore (Calbiochem‎)
Descripción: Magnesio cloruro hexahidrato ≥99.0% (by complexometric analysis), Grado biología molecular, Calbiochem®, Millipore®
UOM: 1 * 500 g


Numero del catalogo: (631-1161)
Proveedor: VWR Collection
Descripción: Portaobjetos de microscopio con extremos doblemente congelados diseñados para pruebas de sangre humana, fluidos corporales, así como secciones de parafina.
UOM: 1 * 2.500 UN

Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: Determination of protein concentration is an essential technique in all aspects of protein studies and proteomics. The Assays for Protein Quantification kit includes three of the most widely used protein assays and allows for a direct comparison of the three assays that teaches students the benefits and limitations of each assay. Each assay is available individually to allow teaching of a specific assay, without the option of comparing and contrasting with other assays. The three assays covered are the Biuret Protein Assay, Lowry Protein Assay and the Coomassie Blue Dye Protein Assay. The Assays for Protein Quantification kit provides all the reagents required to perform both protein assays, including protein standards for accurate quantification, in a single lab activity. An often underestimated factor in quantifying protein is the presence of non-protein interfering agents, such as salts and detergents. This kit teaches students about common laboratory agents that affect the protein assays, the reasoning behind their interferences and how to overcome the interference. Students also learn how to select a protein assay for different applications.

Numero del catalogo: (460-0324)
Descripción: The TS-DW has been designed for shaking and heating deep well plates. A multisystem principle used in the design of the thermoshaker allows it to operate as three independent devices: Incubator, plate shaker and thermoshaker. Ideal for use in life science applications, molecular biology, cell biology lab, cell lysis, DNA isolation and purification, sample preparation for PCR, pellet re-suspension, or any other method where many samples need mixing in deep well plates.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Descripción: Gracias a un proceso de fabricación específico, las puntas con filtro ART® eliminan cualquier riesgo de contaminación cruzada entre muestras, en particular en el campo de la biología molecular. Estas puntas son adecuadas para aplicaciones en las que se trabaja con ADN, ARN y muestras radioactivas e infecciosas.

Certificados Environmentally Preferable Promoción

Numero del catalogo: (ICNA0219483890)
Proveedor: MP Biomedicals
Descripción: PIPES is a zwitterionic N-substituted aminosulfonic acid "Good" buffer.
PIPES is used to buffer glutaraldehyde fixative solutions when fixing plant and/or animal tissue samples. This will help prevent the loss of lipids. It is also used to buffer glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde when fixing fungal zoospores for fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy. PIPES tends to give optimal results.
Buffers can be made by adding a solution of base to PIPES free acid, titrating to the appropriate pH.
UOM: 1 * 500 g

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