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Numero del catalogo: (444-1122)
Proveedor: Heidolph Instruments GmbH & Co.KG
Descripción: Sistema modular de agitación, mezcla y calentamiento. Todos los agitadores de 5 kg, (por ejrmplo Titramax 1000, Unimax 1010, Promax 1020, Duomax 1030 y Polymax 1040) se pueden combinar con el Incubator 1000 con una tapa baja o alta. La tapa baja se recomienda especialmente para microplacas, placas petri, matraces pequeños, frascos de medios y matraces Erlenmeyer de hasta 100 ml. La tapa alta es ideal para matraces grandes, frascos de medios y matraces Erlenmeyer de hasta 1000 ml. Las tapas están fabricadas en PETG transparente, que evita la condensación, permite visualizar claramente el contenido y proporciona acceso rápido y cómodo a los recipientes. El módulo de calentamiento es especialmente adecuado para biología molecular, cultivo de bacterias y análisis de ADN. La temperatura se regula mediante un sensor PT100. Los circuitos de seguridad evitan el sobrecalentamiento.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: Avantor
Descripción: Divalent cation chelating agent

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Numero del catalogo: (ICNA11AGAR0050)
Proveedor: MP Biomedicals
Descripción: Agarose High Resolution is an intermediate melting agarose with approximately twice the resolution capability of routine agarose. It is a purified linear galactan hydrocolloid isolated from agar or agar-bearing marine algae. It is ideal for the resolution of small DNA fragments in the range 20 bp to 2000 bp.
Agarose high resolution is an intermediate melting and gelling point agarose which exhibits superior sieving characteristics. It is recommended for analytical gels of DNA fragments under 1000 bp and is ideal for small DNA fragments down to 20 bp can be separated on 6 % gels. It resolves fragments differing in size by only 2 bp. Its use avoids the need for PAGE Southern and Northern transfers can be achieved efficiently from them at concentrations up to 2%. DNA fragments can be purified with high efficiency from this agarose gels up to 4% by using either a purification kit or an electroelution system.
UOM: 1 * 50 g

Proveedor: MP Biomedicals
Descripción: D-(+)-Glucose is ideal as a culture media component.

Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: Mode of action and anti-microbial spectrum streptomycin sulphate is an aminoglycoside antibiotic and has a bactericidal action against many gram-negative bacteria. It binds to the #12 protein on the ribosomal 30S subunit and inhibits protein synthesis.

Numero del catalogo: (COBSD44-010-100UG)
Proveedor: Columbia Biosciences
Descripción: SureLight® 488 NHS Ester is a bright green fluorescent dye with excitation suited to the 488nm laser line, fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry. It offers a much more stable signal generation in imaging and flow cytometry than FITC and is half the cost of Alexa Fluor® 488 with no royalties or licensing fees.
UOM: 1 * 100 µG

Proveedor: MP Biomedicals
Descripción: Sodium chloride is a commonly used chemical which is found widely in nature. It is considered to be an essential nutrient. Excess amounts of sodium chloride can destroy electrolyte balance and cause death in most animals, including humans.
Sodium chloride is used in a wide variety of biochemical applications, including intravenous fluids (normal saline is 0.9% w/v in water 10), density gradients 3,6, a diluent to increase ionic strength in buffers or culture media and in salt-out procedures in the isolation of DNA. It has also been used in high concentrations for preservation of foods since bacteria cannot grow in high salt conditions. A salt-ice mixture in the ratio of approximately 33 g sodium chloride to 100 g ice (at -1°C) will drop in temperature to as low as -21°C, depending on the rate of stirring and the size of the ice chunks.

Proveedor: MP Biomedicals
Descripción: Storage: Room Temperature, desiccate, store under nitrogen.
Dimethyl Sulfoxide is a dipola, aprotic solvent. It has been shown to accelerate strand renaturation (1-10% concentration) and is believed to give the nucleic acid thermal stability against depurination.
Dimethyl Sulfoxide is used to enhance dermal absorption of many chemicals, as a solvent for many organic and inorganic compounds including fats, carbohydrates, dyes, resins, and polymers, in antifreeze or hydraulic fluids, as a cryopreservative for cell cultures, oxidation of thiols and disulfides to sulfonic acids, as a PCR cosolvent to help improve yields, especially in long PCR. DMSO is routinely used in polymerase chan reaction (PCR), amplification of cDNA libraries, DNA sequencing, column-loading buffers for poly (A)+ RNA selection, buffers for the transformation of competent E. coli, and transfection protocols.
To prepare sterile solutions use a teflon or nylon membrane to sterile-filter the DMSO - do not use a cellulose acetate membrane.

Numero del catalogo: (OZBIXG31000)
Descripción: X-Gal substrate is metabolised by the b-galactosidase enzyme. The quality and purity of the substrate is essential to obtain high-quality and reliable results.
UOM: 1 * 1 g

Proveedor: MP Biomedicals
Descripción: Applications: Ready-Red™ is used either to remove traces of phenol from the aqueous phase or can be mixed directly with AquaPhenol™ (void volume in AquaPhenol™ bottle is adapted to this purpose).
Product Overview: Ready-Red™ is a Chloroform:isoamyl alcohol 24:1 with red dye solution which facilitates separation of organic and aqueous phases. It improves recovery.
Product Description: Ready-Red™ is a coloured mixture of chloroform and isoamyl alcohol. The red colour (non toxic dye), facilitates the visualization and the separation of aqueous and organic phases during nucleic acids purification by means of phenolic extractions. The red dye of Ready-Red™ is not water-soluble and does not interfere with the quality of the nucleic acids purified. The nucleic acids recovered can be used in all standard experiments of molecular biology such as sequencing, PCR, cloning, transformations, etc.

Proveedor: EPPENDORF
Descripción: Estas microcentrífugas son fáciles de usar e ideales para investigación, estaciones de trabajo y trabajo práctico.

Proveedor: MP Biomedicals
Descripción: Storage: Room Temperature
Guanidine hydrochloride consists of a network of guanidinium cations and chloride anions linked by N–H•••Cl hydrogen bonds, it is a strong chaotropic agent. Guanidine HCl may agglomerate upon storage. It may appear as a free-flowing crystalline powder, a free flowing powder with solid material dispersed throughout, or a solid. The quality of the product does not appear to be affected and solutions prepared from the free-flowing and lumpy guanidine HCl appear identical.
Guanidine hydrochloride can be used as the first step in refolding proteins or enzymes into their active form. Urea and dithiothreitol (DTT) may also be necessary. Also used in the isolation of RNA. Guanidine hydrochloride is a strong chaotropic agent useful for the denaturation and subsequent refolding of protein, it can solubilize insoluble or denatured proteins such as inclusion bodies and be used for the recovery of periplasmic proteins.

Numero del catalogo: (BC87)
Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: Ellman's reagent is a versatile, water-soluble compound for quantifying free sulfhydryl groups in solution. It reacts with a free sulfhydryl group to yield a mixed disulfide and 2-nitro-5-thiobenzoic acid (NTB), a measurable yellow colored product at 412nm.
Ellman's reagent is very useful as a free sulfhydryl assay reagent due to its high specificity for -SH groups at neutral pH, high molar extinction coefficient and short reaction time.
UOM: 1 * 5 g

Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: Nourseothricin sulphate is a Streptothricin-class antibiotic. It has an extremely broad spectrum of activity against viruses, bacteria, eukaryotic unicellular and complex organisms. Norseothricin contains both Streptothricin D (C₃₁H₅₈N₁₂O₁₀) and Streptothricin F (C₁₉H₃₄N₈O₈) components.

Proveedor: MP Biomedicals
Descripción: Storage: Store at -20 °C. Store Desiccated. Store Under Nitrogen. Protect from light.
5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl β-D-galactopyranoside, commonly known as X−Gal, is a histochemical substrate for β−galactosidase.
5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl-β-D-Galactopyranoside is used as indigogenic substrate for β-galactosidase, for detection of β-galactosidase-positive clones, and the identification of lac and bacterial colonies or phage plaques. It is the substrate of choice for blue-white selection of recombinant bacterial colonies with the lac+ genotype. X−Gal is cleaved by β−galactosidase to yield an insoluble blue precipitate. X−Gal is particularly useful in molecular biology applications to detect the activity of β−galactosidase which is frequently used as a reporter gene. In cloning, X−Gal is used to detect insertion of foreign DNA into the lacZ region of plasmid DNA using α-complementation which is based on vectors such as the pUC and the M13mp series that carry a fragment of the β-galactosidase gene encoding an α-fragment of β-galactosidase.

Proveedor: MP Biomedicals
Descripción: p-Nitroblue Tetrazolium Chloride is an NADPH-diaphorase substrate that competitively inhibits NOS (nitric oxide synthase) (IC50 = 3-4 μM). In combination with 5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate (BCIP) and an appropriate reaction buffer, Nitroblue tetrazolium forms a substrate for the colorimetric detection of alkaline phosphatase conjugates in a variety of molecular and cell biology techniques.

p-nitro blue tetrazolium is used for the detection of alkaline phosphatase on western blots. It has also been used as a redox indicator for other enzymatic reactions including dehydrogenases, threonine deaminase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphofructokinase on polyacrylamide gels, oxidases on polyacrylamide gels, and pentose shunt dehydrogenases. Redox and halfwave potentials have been determined for p - nitro blue tetrazolium. It has also been used as a colorimetric indicator of bacterial infection in blood samples.

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