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Overcome normal optical limitations in microscopic studies by highlighting specific structures with stains and reagents and then protect samples with fixatives. The fast-acting dyes create strong contrasts between cell components for easier detection or analyses. Sensitive attractions to certain organelle or cellular components differ among offered stains, allowing precise testing modifications. Flexible in use, ready-to-use stains may be handled manually or in conjunction with automatic equipment.

Overcome normal optical limitations in microscopic studies by highlighting specific structures with stains and reagents and then protect samples with fixatives. The fast-acting dyes create strong contrasts between cell components for easier detection or analyses. Sensitive attractions to certain organelle or cellular components differ among offered stains, allowing precise testing modifications. Flexible in use, ready-to-use stains may be handled manually or in conjunction with automatic equipment.

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Descripción: Immersion Oil has a defined refractive index of about 1,516. It is important that the refractive index (nD) is about 1,5, similar to that of glass. This enables a homogeneous oil immersion to be achieved.

Numero del catalogo: (87969.260)
Proveedor: VWR Chemicals
Descripción: Fixing solution with 0,02% formaldehyde and 0,01% citric acid in aqueous solution.
UOM: 1 * 500 mL

FDS Certificados

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Numero del catalogo: (00647520.)
Proveedor: VWR Chemicals
Descripción: Safemount Q Path® es un medio de montaje que se suministra en una botella de PET y que es compatible con Safesolv. Adhiere el cubreobjetos al portaobjetos y fija la sonda en su posición tras la tinción.
UOM: 1 * 500 mL

FDS Certificados

Numero del catalogo: (K217-1L)
Proveedor: VWR Chemicals
Descripción: Blue BANDit es una alternativa segura y respetuosa con el medio ambiente a la tinción tradicional con azul Coomassie®.
UOM: 1 * 1 L

FDS Certificados Environmentally Preferable

Numero del catalogo: (361603E)
Proveedor: VWR Chemicals
Descripción: When sectioning frozen tissue for rapid surgical biopsy diagnosis or for research (typically in Histochemistry), the tissue sample must be firmly attached to the microtome stage or chuck. Embedding material such as OCT are preferred as these also provide a supportive and protective aid to sectioning.
UOM: 1 * 125 mL

FDS Certificados

Proveedor: VWR Chemicals
Descripción: El colorante de DNA EZ- Vision como tampón de carga ofrece una alternativa, no mutagénica y respetuosa con el medio ambiente, al bromuro de etidio para la visualización instantánea fluorescente de bandas de DNA .
Numero del catalogo: (3882.0500)
Proveedor: Avantor
Descripción: Medio de montaje para cubreobjetos de portaobjetos.
UOM: 1 * 500 mL

Numero del catalogo: (N734-5ML)
Proveedor: VWR Chemicals
Descripción: Gold-N-Gel RNA dye is compatible with standard protocols for denaturing electrophoresis of RNA fragments. Bands are immediately visible upon illumination with UV light. A standard ethidium bromide filter can be used for gel documentation.
UOM: 1 * 5 mL

Environmentally Preferable

Numero del catalogo: (00411243.)
Proveedor: VWR Chemicals
Descripción: Medio de montaje de alta viscosidad para criotomía
UOM: 1 * 125 mL

FDS Certificados

Numero del catalogo: (A3494.0500)
Proveedor: PanReac AppliChem
Descripción: Biochemical grade immersion oil for microscopy.
UOM: 1 * 500 mL


Numero del catalogo: (ENZOENZGEN1050100)
Descripción: Nucleic acid dye for gel staining and higher sensitivity qPCR.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

New Product

Numero del catalogo: (TCIAT3530-100ML)
Proveedor: TCI
Descripción: Specifications
Appearance: Colorless to Light yellow clear liquid
Functionality test (transparency) (display): to pass test
UOM: 1 * 100 mL

Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: The Reversible Copper Stain™ is a single step stain for the rapid detection of proteins resolved on SDS-PAGE.
Numero del catalogo: (ENZOADI9502610030)
Descripción: IHC mount is an aqueous-based permanent, high stability mounting medium designed for use with chromogenic labeling. Use for mounting of tissue specimens stained with peroxidase and alkaline phosphatase-based systems and various fluorescent dyes.
UOM: 1 * 30 mL

New Product

Proveedor: Biotium
Descripción: CytoLiner™ Fixed cell membrane dyes are novel lipophilic fluorescent dyes developed specifically for selective plasma membrane staining in fixed cells for microscopy. The dyes are engineered for robust and consistent staining of formaldehyde-fixed cells, and are suitable for downstream immunofluorescence staining protocols.

New Product

Numero del catalogo: (R0611)
Proveedor: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Descripción: This gel loading dye contains two different dyes bromophenol blue and xylene cyanol FF for visual tracking of DNA migration during electrophoresis. The presence of glycerol ensures that the DNA in the ladder and sample forms a layer at the bottom of the well. The EDTA included in the solution binds divalent metal ions and inhibits metal-dependent nucleases.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT


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