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Overcome normal optical limitations in microscopic studies by highlighting specific structures with stains and reagents and then protect samples with fixatives. The fast-acting dyes create strong contrasts between cell components for easier detection or analyses. Sensitive attractions to certain organelle or cellular components differ among offered stains, allowing precise testing modifications. Flexible in use, ready-to-use stains may be handled manually or in conjunction with automatic equipment.

Overcome normal optical limitations in microscopic studies by highlighting specific structures with stains and reagents and then protect samples with fixatives. The fast-acting dyes create strong contrasts between cell components for easier detection or analyses. Sensitive attractions to certain organelle or cellular components differ among offered stains, allowing precise testing modifications. Flexible in use, ready-to-use stains may be handled manually or in conjunction with automatic equipment.

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Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Neo-Clear® is a non hazardous alternative to xylene. It is virtually odourless, compatible with most high purity solvents and is characterised by lower evaporation rates than xylene, making it a lower health risk.


Numero del catalogo: (EM0300-1KT)
Descripción: Spurr resin is a hydrophobic resin. It is less viscous than epon mixtures and is easier to dispense. The low viscosity of the resin contributes to its penetration in tissue, mineral and dense structures. A low viscosity of 60 cps also allows easy penetration into a variety of difficult materials.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

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Descripción: Immersion oil has been used in epifluorescent microscopy and cell identification.

Numero del catalogo: (H2779-1L)
Descripción: HistoChoice® is a patented, complex mixture of agents that allow tissues to retain their structure, antigenic sites and nucleic acid sites. This formulation in non-citrus, contains no mercury, formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde.
UOM: 1 * 1 L


Numero del catalogo: (1.08635.0100)
Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Kaiser's glycerol gelatin is an aqueous mounting medium for microscopy and works well with specimens prepared for enzyme, lipid, and immunohistochemistry determinations.
UOM: 1 * 100 g

Proveedor: Merck
Descripción: Los tejidos duros, como huesos o dientes, y todas las muestras de tejidos calcificados, como punciones de médula ósea necesitan un tratamiento previo especial, antes del procesamiento rutinario por parte de un laboratorio histológico.


Numero del catalogo: (Z2902-3.75L)
Descripción: Zinc formalin fixative is a non-precipitating fixative. This fixative is compatible with histochemical, immunochemical and special stains. It may be used with automated tissue processors and also in manual methods. The zinc chloride component of the formulation increases the rigidity of cellular components to withstand subsequent processing, sectioning and staining procedures. Tissue specimens initially fixed using 10% neutral buffered formalin solution may be post-fixed using the zinc formalin fixative.
UOM: 1 * 3,75 L

Descripción: Glycerol alters the hygroscopic property of gelatin and its permeability to water vapour. Glycerol gelatin or glycerine jelly medium is an aqueous slide mounting media, used for mounting samples in microscopy and histology.

Numero del catalogo: (EM0200-1KT)
Descripción: Suitable for use with large and small mineralized (undecalcified) bone sections. Yields clear, hard blocks for cutting sections. Not water-soluble.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Descripción: Immersion Oil has a defined refractive index of about 1,516. It is important that the refractive index (nD) is about 1,5, similar to that of glass. This enables a homogeneous oil immersion to be achieved.

Numero del catalogo: (09128300.)
Proveedor: VWR Chemicals
Descripción: Contains a mixture of hydrochloric acid and alcohols with some EDTA.
UOM: 1 * 2,5 L

FDS Certificados

Proveedor: VWR Chemicals
Descripción: Amplia gama de medios de montaje manual y automático de portaobjetos. La gama Q Path® Coverquick está formada por cuatro medios de montaje diferentes con distintas viscosidades que se adaptan a todas las necesidades de microscopía. El número que se muestra después del nombre indica el grado de viscosidad en orden ascendente: Q Path® Coverquick 1000 tiene la viscosidad más baja (cerca de 260 mPaS) y Q Path® Coverquick 4000 tiene la viscosidad más alta (cerca de 920 mPaS).
Numero del catalogo: (360584X_T)
Proveedor: VWR Chemicals
Descripción: Mollifex™ is used to soak the cut face of paraffin embedded tissue blocks prior to sectioning is useful to facilitate the mechanical process of sectioning.
UOM: 1 * 500 mL

Proveedor: VWR Chemicals
Descripción: HistoChoice® clearing agent is a much less hazardous replacement for xylene/toluene.


Numero del catalogo: (3869.1200)
Proveedor: Avantor
Descripción: Microscopy and staining reagents, J.T.Baker®, Fijador en aerosol para cuello uterino
UOM: 1 * 1,5 L

FDS Certificados

Proveedor: Avantor
Descripción: Medio de montaje para cubreobjetos de portaobjetos.
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