Esta buscando: Filtros centrífugos

Centrifugal filters are used in laboratory settings to manipulate peptides, proteins, oligonucleotides, DNA, and RNA samples. The devices successfully clean up labelling and PCR reactions, isolate specific sections, buffer exchange, clarify samples, and remove particulates. Filters with nylon membrane are ideal for prefiltration clean-up of large agarose or acrylamide gel debris prior to purification with an MWCO device. The centrifugal filters will meet concentration, purification, separation and desalting procedure requirements.

Centrifugal filters are used in laboratory settings to manipulate peptides, proteins, oligonucleotides, DNA, and RNA samples. The devices successfully clean up labelling and PCR reactions, isolate specific sections, buffer exchange, clarify samples, and remove particulates. Filters with nylon membrane are ideal for prefiltration clean-up of large agarose or acrylamide gel debris prior to purification with an MWCO device. The centrifugal filters will meet concentration, purification, separation and desalting procedure requirements.

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Proveedor: Sartorius
Descripción: Vivaspin® 20 centrifugal concentrators offer increased volume flexibility and performance to the Vivaspin® potfolio. Vivaspin® 20 handles 5 to 20 ml in swing bucket rotors and 14 ml in fixed angle rotors accepting 50 ml centrifuge tubes. Vivaspin® 20 features twin vertical membranes for unparalleled filtration speed and >100-fold concentration. Volume graduation allows monitoring the concentration process and the modified dead stop pocket simplifies pipetting of the final concentrate.

Proveedor: Sartorius
Descripción: Vivaspin® 15R is targeting the volume segment of 4 to 15 ml with the Hydrosart® regenerated cellulose membrane. This membrane is ideal when extremely high recovery rate and very low adsorption is required, for example in applications such as concentration and desalting of immunoglobulin fractions.

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Numero del catalogo: (PIER69725)
Proveedor: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Descripción: Pierce™ snap cap spin columns are convenient tools for manipulating small volumes of affinity supports (20 to 500 µl) for protein purification.
UOM: 1 * 50 UN

Proveedor: Sartorius
Descripción: These centrifugal devices are ideal for the concentration or ultrafiltration of difficult to filter samples, even whole blood or cell lysates.

Proveedor: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Descripción: These spin columns provide a fast, easy to use format for purifying GST-fusion proteins from cellular lysates. The glutathione is immobilised through its central sulfhydryl onto 6% crosslinked agarose resin. Purification of GST-fusion proteins using glutathione (GSH) agarose beads is well documented and provides a one-step, high purity affinity purification.

Proveedor: Sartorius
Descripción: For 0,1 to 1000 ml, Hydrosart® membrane. Vivaflow 50R is a ready to use and reusable laboratory crossflow cassette for applications like cell culture supernatant concentration, virus concentration and water sample concentration. The thin channel, flip flow recirculation path of the modules provides high crossflow velocities with minimum pump speed requirements. A single module with 50 cm² active membrane area typically concentrates 250 ml by a factor of 20 in less than 30 min.

Proveedor: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Descripción: Protein Concentrators PES are disposable ultrafiltration centrifugal devices with a polyethersulfone (PES) membrane for concentration, desalting, and buffer exchange of biological samples such as proteins and nucleic acids.

Numero del catalogo: (PIER85165)
Proveedor: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Descripción: Pierce™ Abundant Protein Depletion Spin Columns are optimised to decrease the abundant albumin and antibody components of human plasma samples in preparation for mass spectrometry or 1D and 2D gel electrophoresis.
UOM: 1 * 24 UN

Proveedor: Sartorius
Descripción: Vivapure® Ion Exchange (IEX) spin colums are centrifugal devices. They incorporate Sartobind membrane adsorber technology as their chromatography matrix. Sartobind IEX membrane adsorbers are based on stabilised regenerated cellulose and display a microporous structure with a pore size of >3 μm, which is orders of magnitude larger than conventional chromatographic gel materials.

Proveedor: Sartorius
Descripción: Vivaspin® 100 PES centrifugal concentrators are versatile ultrafiltration units for centrifugation-based sample concentration as well as pressure filtration applications.

Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: PAGE-Optimizer™ is a unique, spin column for the preparation of samples for SDS-PAGE. The columns contain a proprietary separation matrix that removes contaminants such as salts, detergents, cellular agents and other common buffering agents. PAGE-Optimizer™ helps eliminate smeared lanes, distorted and/ or smiling bands and swollen lanes. PAGE-Optimizer™ has also been shown to reveal protein bands previously masked by the above interfering agents.

Proveedor: Cytiva
Descripción: Vivaspin® sample concentrators are designed for fast, nondenaturing concentration of biological samples by membrane ultrafiltration.

Proveedor: Corning
Descripción: Spin-X® centrifuge tube filters use centrifugation to remove bacteria, particles, or cells from liquids, HPLC sample preparation and DNA removal from agarose or acrylamide gels.
Numero del catalogo: (GENO786-1858)
Proveedor: G-Biosciences
Descripción: The 3 ml spin columns are designed to hold up to 3 ml of resin, leaving enough rome for a further 4 ml of buffer. The unique design allows the columns to utilise a 15 ml centrifuge tube as a collection tube, so the columns can be centrifuged for rapid purification.
UOM: 1 * 50 UN

Numero del catalogo: (28-9031-32)
Proveedor: Cytiva
Descripción: Protein A HP SpinTrap™ columns are designed for the enrichment of proteins of interest, immunoprecipitation and the purification of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies from cell lysates and biological fluids.
UOM: 1 * 16 UN


Proveedor: Corning
Descripción: These non sterile centrifugal concentrators offer a simple, one step procedure for concentrating or desalting proteins and other biomolecules with 90% or better recovery.
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