Esta buscando: Termómetros digitales

Precisely monitor temperatures in freezers, water baths, heating blocks, incubators, and refrigerators with these digital thermometers. Digital displays are simple to read and also deliver the highest and lowest temperature readings. Waterproof models are ideal for wet labs, wash-down areas, and field applications. Temperatures may be switched to °C or °F, and all models are incredibly versatile and easy to recalibrate. Units boast extreme temperature ranges and update readings in set short intervals.

Precisely monitor temperatures in freezers, water baths, heating blocks, incubators, and refrigerators with these digital thermometers. Digital displays are simple to read and also deliver the highest and lowest temperature readings. Waterproof models are ideal for wet labs, wash-down areas, and field applications. Temperatures may be switched to °C or °F, and all models are incredibly versatile and easy to recalibrate. Units boast extreme temperature ranges and update readings in set short intervals.

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Numero del catalogo: (TEST0560.1113)
Proveedor: Testo
Descripción: These digital mini thermometers have a measuring range from −20 to +230 °C. After the measurement, it can simply be rinsed under running water, or even cleaned in a dishwasher. Suitable for a wide range of applications, such as the food and pharmaceutical sector or in HVAC applications.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: EBRO
Descripción: These thermometers can be used for measuring temperatures in air conditioning and ventilation applications, air and gases, liquids and for measuring surface temperatures, temperatures of tools for injection moulding processes and plastic materials.

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Numero del catalogo: (620-3315)
Proveedor: Testo
Descripción: The highly accurate temperature measuring instrument is ideal for official food inspections.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (620-1568)
Proveedor: EBRO
Descripción: Core thermometer works with fast response time.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: Testo
Descripción: Este termómetro para alimentos resistente con sondas de medición intercambiables es apto para mediciones de control en la industria alimentaria como mataderos, cámaras de refrigeración y durante el transporte.

Numero del catalogo: (TEST0563.0922)
Proveedor: Testo
Descripción: Compact testo 922 is versatile instrument: it not only determines temperatures quickly and accurately, but also does a direct calculation of the differential temperature. This means that measurements can be completed just as quickly as documentation with the practical testo Smart App for smartphones and tablets. A typical application for the testo 922 is the control of the supply/return temperature on heating circuit manifolds. Two Type K thermocouple probes are included, but the testo 922 is also compatible with other commercially available TC type K probes.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (471-1335)
Proveedor: Testo
Descripción: The compact temperature measuring instrument testo 110 convinces every day in use, shows its strengths wherever measurements are to be made at particularly low temperatures or where highly precise temperatures are to be determined.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (620-1904)
Proveedor: Testo
Descripción: This waterproof folding thermometer is a handy aid when carrying out precise food monitoring measurements at any time. It is suitable for applications in production and storage. After use, the probe can be folded away, and the instrument stored safely until the next measurement.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Proveedor: EBRO
Descripción: These ultra accurate thermometers are suitable for high-precision temperature monitoring in food applications and in the laboratory.
Proveedor: Testo
Descripción: Mini-termómetros de penetración y superficie con pantalla giratoria

Proveedor: Testo
Descripción: Both thermometers are designed for checks in the food industry. They provide handy support when carrying out monitoring measurements. 620-1883 has automatic 'HOLD' and maximum/minimum display.

Proveedor: Testo
Descripción: Este termómetro básico incluye una sonda de medición fina y resistente ideal para un control preciso de la temperatura en el sector gastronómico, los hoteles, las grandes cocinas y los supermercados.

Proveedor: EBRO
Descripción: This waterproof reference thermometer is suitable for use in a wide range of applications. A microprocessor controls the electronics, guaranteeing maximum measurement precision and consistency over the entire measurement range.

Numero del catalogo: (620-1202)
Proveedor: Testo
Descripción: Este instrumento de medición de un solo canal está adaptado para las complejas mediciones de los laboratorios y el sector industrial. En combinación con la funda de protección TopSafe, el modelo 720 es resistente a medios corrosivos.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (TEST0560.8353)
Proveedor: Testo
Descripción: This non contact thermometer measures surface temperature, moisture and dew point. It therefore helps to detect mold in buildings.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

Numero del catalogo: (620-2640)
Proveedor: EBRO
Descripción: T-type core thermometer. Flexible core temperature measurements through temperature probe with cable.
UOM: 1 * 1 UN

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