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Esta buscando: (2,6-Difluoro-4-isopropoxyphenyl)boronic+acid

286  results were found

Nucleic Acid Decontamination

Nucleic Acid Decontamination DNA-Exitus Plus™ is a novel patented reagent for the removal of nucleic acid contamination from laboratory surfaces and equipment. Learn more Product information Additional Resources Video Application Note

Opciones de tubo Masterflex L/S

Opciones de tubo Masterflex L/S Consiga el máximo rendimiento de sus cabezales de bomba Masterflex L/S cuando utilice tubos extruidos de precisión. Los tubos están fabricados con tolerancias estrictas para corresponder a nuestros cabezales de bomb...

Bombas peristálticas Masterflex® Series I/P | VWR

Bombas peristálticas Masterflex® I/P® Series Soluciones de bombeo de proceso Potentes bombas diseñadas para durar en entornos de proceso y producción desafiantes. Rango de fluido: 00006 a 26 LPM Bombas peristálticas Masterflex I/P Series cuentan c...

High Purity Acids

High Purity Acids The J.T.Baker® and Macron Fine Chemicals™ lines of high purity acids will meet your needs - even for detection of trace metals at ultra-low ppt levels. J.T.Baker® ULTREX II Ultrapure Acids Recommended for use in your most demandi...

Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis

Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis Featured Solutions VWR peqGOLD electrophoresis reagents for DNA analysis. Agarose DNA ladders Additional Resources VWR products for electrophoresis catalogue VWR horizontal electrophoresis chambers for fast and accurat...

Bombas peristálticas Masterflex® I/P® Series

Bombas peristálticas Masterflex® I/P® Series Soluciones de bombeo de proceso Potentes bombas diseñadas para durar en entornos de proceso y producción desafiantes. Rango de fluido: 00006 a 26 LPM Bombas peristálticas Masterflex I/P Series cuentan c...

VWR presenta soluciones 3M para la protección auditiva

VWR presenta soluciones 3M para la protección auditiva Hearing Protection Easy solutions to complex hearing protection challenges En su calidad de socio estratégico de VWR en soluciones de seguridad y equipo de protección personal 3M es vehemente ...

PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation ACE ® HPLC / UHPLC Columns PHASE USP LISTING FUNCTIONAL GROUP ENDCAPPED PARTICLE SIZE (µm)* PORE SIZE (Å) SURFACE AREA (m2/g) CARBON LOAD (%) PH RANGE 100% AQ compatible ACE® Traditional Chemistries C18 L1 Octadecyl Yes 1.7...

Nucleic Acid Purification

Nucleic Acid Purification VWR®'s selection of kits cover any sample size such as single column spin kits high throughput kits for 96-well plates solution-based kits for larger sample volumes and magnetic bead kits that are well suited for automati...

Bombas peristálticas

Bombas peristálticas Masterflex® I/P® Series Soluciones de bombeo de proceso Potentes bombas diseñadas para durar en entornos de proceso y producción desafiantes. Rango de fluido: 00006 a 26 LPM Bombas peristálticas Masterflex I/P Series cuentan c...

Nucleic Acid Preparation and Cloning

Nucleic Acid Preparation and Cloning Nucleic Acid Preparation and Cloning The outcome of any downstream analysis highly depends on the quality of the initial steps of sample collection homogenisation and nucleic acid purification. Whether you are ...

Automated Nucleic Acid Purification

Automated Nucleic Acid Purification J.T.Baker® high precision robotic tips and plates will help improve your analytical and diagnostic operations. J.T.Baker Robotic Tips J.T.Baker Plates Additional Resources Brochure Video Robotic Tips Sample Requ...

Guantes Aurelia por Supermax Healthcare Inc

Guantes Aurelia por Supermax Healthcare Inc Supermax Healthcare es un fabricante líder a nivel internacional distribuidor y comercializador de guantes médicos de alta calidad. Actualmente Supermax Healthcare exporta a más de 150 países de las Amér...

NEW VWR® for nucleic acid preparation

NEW VWR® for nucleic acid preparation 28 pages of products taking you through the workflow required for nucleic acid purification. Including sample disruption and homogenisation - nucleic acid isolation - photometry - centrifugation and storage.


COL06001-CFS-Aseptic-Filling-Brochure-02-26-18.indd Nunc Cell Factory systems Ready set connect: aseptic filling made easy 2 More confidence helps reduce risk Themo Scientific™ Nunc™ Cell Factory™ multilayer systems are designed for a variety of b...


cmm_catalog_title_150304.indd Complete Monograph Methods Solutions for regulated Pharmaceutical Instrumental Analysis Methods with HPLC FTIR KF AAS and ICP 2015 -1 Merck Millipore is a division of Content Molecular Structures 3 Applications Index ...
17 - 32 of 286